Thank Freddie it's Friday...

Mar 30, 2007 08:36

I'm absolutely knackered it's been one helluva week...

Anyhow first up (of course) it's fridayfiver_uk which this week does shopping. As ever you can't reply on my LJ but you can reply here. If you want to post the answers to your LJ that's fine but remember to then duplicate the post to the community, or post a link to your LJ so people there know what you've said.

1. Tesco or Sainsburys?
Sainsburys always (and not just cause the TV ads feature Jamie Oliver). Tesco are just a bit too big and evil - and they killed of Prunella Scales (?). And I'm not the only one.

2. Tell us your theory for why all the trolleys and baskets always go missing!
Maybe it's cause I broke them when I jumped on them in the car park and "rode" the trolley to the trolley park bit? Big kid? Me? Never *blush*

3. Favourite online store?
Well I spend enough at and but that's hardly shocking is it?

4. Friday scenario: There's a kid at the checkout screaming what would you like do you do? (not necessarily what you currently do)
Call the police and get the child and parent(s) issued with an ASBO. Zero tolerance, yay!

5. What's your top shopping tip?
Don't try stuff on - save time in the changing room and maximise your potential amount of purchases by just buying and then you can return any stuff that doesn't fit.

friday, jamie oliver, cd-wow, fridayfiver_uk, tesco, prunella scales, kids, amazon, shopping, asbos, sainsburys

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