Pride '05!

Jun 27, 2005 11:54

Here's a summary of Gay Pride Weekend '05:

Friday: GAY! Margaret Cho! Gay/gay Friendly friends! Bus Stop! Crescent! Karaoke!

Saturday: GAY!! Gay house painting (canceled)! Volvo reclaimed! Turkey burgers! Sangria! Salon opening party! Gays! Long phone conversations! Boy drama!

Sunday: GAY!!! BRUNCH (sooo GAY!)! Mimosas! Gay Pride Parade! S&M pony-gear! Flag routines! America's Next Top Model drag queens! velvetsmog marching! VH1! Bus Stop! Tea Dance! Groping! Britney Spears' "Toxic"! The Crescent! "Pink Party"! Buttery nipples! Karaoke! Naughtiness! CC's! Mean bear bouncers! Getting 86ed from a bar (not me!)! Going to bed by 11 feeling like a tina queen after a three day bender!

Friday I began my Pride festivities with a huge GAY event: Margaret Cho's "Assassins" show which darrent kindly invited me to. Free tickets from a friend of his who works at the Paramount. Man alive, it was Gay central! I felt like a tina twink at Club Seattle! She was hilarious, of course, because she was attacking what I hate (conservatives, the Bush administration), and lovingly making fun of us GAYS. I particularly liked her analogy of GW Bush is to Kylie Minogue as Jeb Bush is to Danii Minogue. And I also appreciated her anecdote about getting hired to perform for a business person's convention or something (they didn't really know who she was), and continuing her act despite the booing, getting her mic cut, and having a band set up and start playing behind her.

Later Darren and I met up with bunches of people incluing, but not limited to, angrytruffle, dutch_pink, margiee, ccdeville, and yeswad at the Bus Stop. We moved to the Crescent Cocktalia Lounge and met rollerboogieboy, microdigitech, and joerandazzo. It was unusually fun. I had to pass on Neighbours, though.

Because I THOUGHT I had to be up early to paint natseawa's house! It was postponed though, so I woke up early for nothing! That REALLY put me out, Nathan. I hope you're proud of yourself.

That night there was a tasty turkey burger dinner party at Joe's with Wonder Woman screened, and a drunk dial from lunarbull and terrajen, among others, drunkenly received by me. Too much 5-second sangria! Some salon had an opening party with an open bar that night, and it counts as a gay pride even because it was at a salon and there were several gays there. Like Friday, I opted out of going to another bar because of the Pride '05 Brunch at the Fortress of Togetherness, and it's a good thing I did because everyone got to the bar, discovered that no one was going to order a drink, and promptly left, or so I hear.

Then Sunday was THE BIG DAY. Brunch was awesome. Matty yeswad makes a mean breakfast, so if you ever happen to hook up with him, don't ask him to leave right afterward. Let him stay and make you some eggs and bacon.

I drank an entire bottle of champagne (mimosas) to myself and felt NOTHING. I was both perturbed and disturbed by this. We hit the parade, which is always fun, but only sporadically (Thanks, Cher!). It was fun seeing a pony-man in full-pony bondage gear including hooves which looked physically impossible, like high heel shoes without the heels. The Unicorn Club from The Bus Stop was awesome. I wish I had been on the flag team in high school!

We went to the Bus Stop after the parade and a little VH1 Top 100 Child Stars. Walking down there we saw how trashed the street was. Is it really so hard for the gays to pick up their own garbage? Sheesh. Freddy seattlewolf was djing, as was djeltoro. It was a blast dancing and singing along to fun pop junk music. See alicetiara for a good review of the World's Tiniest Tea Dance. I enjoyed giving a lap dance to my friend Sarah G. to "Toxic".

The ladies went to take a nap or just relax after a while, but I went down with Patrick, craigtrolli, and Josh to the Crescent, where they started karaoke several hours early just for us, and also bought us all buttery nipple shots. The owner saw us standing outside and probably worried we weren't coming in, and so he bribed us. It worked! I sang "Say You'll Be There" because I'd just been singing it at the Bust Stop a little bit ago and it was fresh in my mind.

When we finally left the Bus Stop, I found out that the party margie had told us about was a bust and the ladies were turning in. So the boys and I wandered first to Chop Suey for the tragically named "Hipsters and Fags" night, but upon seeing that it was like a ghost town in the Chop Suey, and being stopped to pay the $2 cover, i turned on my heels, said "forget that", and took us all to CC's for food and drink. Except that we never got the food because we got kicked out. Well, one of us did, and the rest left in solidarity. Lesson: never accidentally cut in front of an asshole bear bouncer for the bathroom line, because they will push you down the stairs and 86 you. Josh and Craig went back to the Chop Suey, Patrick and I went and bought a pizza.

I was in bed by 11! it felt like 3 AM.

flag routines, karaoke, gay, gay pride, pony bondage

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