Think Happy Thoughts

Feb 22, 2011 11:28

So, we had an All Hands Meeting today so that DOE could tell us not to worry...too much. If the continuing resolution doesn't go through next Friday, then they going to shut down all the National Labs for 2 weeks. This means that the only operating synchrotrons in the US will be CHESS and the small one in Louisiana (whose biological crystallography program has been cut). We'd have at least 20 labs who wouldn't be able to collect data and we're only running 2 beamlines. Multiply by the 30+ crystallography beamlines at APS, multiply by 4 DOE facilities (SSRL, APS, ALS, NSLS) and that means roughly 2400 labs will get their data collections cancelled.

And if the $1 billion cut from the Office of Science goes through, then we're looking at 1000 jobs cut at Argonne. I guess that isn't as bad as the auto industry going bankrupt.

Argonne Director Eric Isaacs ended his speech with 'Think Happy Thoughts'



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