I'm alive, promise.
-I'm busy with college (Which has an art class that I'm involved in that requires copious amounts of sewing/turning me into a gramma) and shit.
-I have a new boyfriend who looks like River Phoenix and says I'm better looking than Angelina Jolie (As if).
-I have begun smoking more than I ever intended. Marlboro Reds, the cowboy killers. Yes, I chain smoke them and yes I love the way they taste.
-I'm contemplating becoming a piercer.
-I will be getting a tattoo soon, and it'll be way cooler than anything that you could ever get. :P
-I missed the GNR concert and I fucking hate myself for it. Damn ticket master and Damn fucking ticket prices.
-I'm waiting on Chinese Democracy. It is supposed to come out by the end of this year. I believe Axl, but if he fails I will never defend his psycho ass again. The single, supposedly, is coming out tomorrow and will be "Better", which was one of the leaks and totally kicked ass. It is being used in a Harley Davidson commercial that will be aired tomorrow during Nascar. Check it out
-I miss Stan and Rice.
-Slash is my guitar hero, and I still believe that he is Axl's better half(gay or just best friends). They will reconcile, even if it's when Axl/Slash is on his death bed. Preferably before I die so I can see them play together.
-Fuck Lars Ulrich.
-Paul Stanley is gay, for reals. His stage banter is also some of the cheesiest and lamest I've ever heard. But I heard he likes to "Live to Win", so whatever.
-I love gin, cause it tastes like chris'mas.
Ok, yeah, thats it I think. No really crazy stories to write about. I don't have enough time to be a juvenile delinquent with all this school shit.