so in honor of his birthday, i decided to post my favorite twelve [well i mean i would post all of them...but then this post would never end] jesse moments as a birthday tribute! gorgeous turns 27 today [i believe].
Note: These aren't really in a particular order [and alot of them have been posted before...but it's reminiscing the pretty]...so here it goes.
12. I would so go to boot camp if he was the sergeant.
11. The smile... and it's a miracle-he matches. Enough said.
10.There's just something about this cover that I love...
9.The Uptown Girls Press Conference. Oh admit that you love the bearded jesse.
8. "Three Stories," that green jacket...yay!
taken from:
http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/541070/4/22424995 7. Those sunglasses.
6. The "serious Chase face."
5.The episode "Humpty Dumpty," when House, Chase and Foreman broke into Cuddy's house.
House: Oh my God. She’s got pictures of you in here.
[Chase’s eyes widen.]
House: Just you. It’s like some kind of weird shrine.
Chase: You’re kidding.
[Chase approaches the dresser.]
House: Yeah.
[House shuts the drawer before Chase can see it.]
4. Swimming Upstream. and it's premiere.
taken from:
http://moodswings.sitesled.com/jesse/gallery/events/SUPrem/003.jpg 3. Neighbours. everything.
2. Because Neal Fox=love. end of story.
1. and i couldn't decide what to put for number one...well because there have been wayyy tooo many amazing jesse moments. so i'll leave the number one spot open.
hope you all enjoy! ♥ oh and there's some randomly listed jesse trivia at