Big Family News

Mar 05, 2017 21:13

I am going to be a Grammy again!

My son and his wife are having baby number three. Since Baby No. 2 only turns one in May, this is a bit unexpected on all fronts. It still boggles my mind to see my son as such a loving father. But three young children is quite a challenge for anyone. We older ones recall that life was much simpler when we were children. Backyard camp outs and Sundays at grandma's house have given away to Disney vacations, dance lessons and science camp. While I wonder how Son and wife will manage with three, many of us came from families much larger. I guess we all make do somehow.

My son and I did get one more chance to go skiing this weekend. Except the temperature this time was in the teens instead of the 60s. It was uncomfortably cold. I think March and February got switched around this year. That was probably our last outing until next year. There are crocuses blooming in the yard and it's time to turn our thoughts to spring.

We celebrated my mother's 86th birthday with a little luncheon on Saturday. I have to admit for 86 she gets around incredibly well. But I can still only take her in small doses. It was the same old family dynamics, with my sister spouting about her upcoming trip - this time to Africa, my mother fawning like she walks on water and me feeling like a fool. Oh well. I'm doing much better about not letting it get to me. I know who has my back.

family, birthday fun

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