Name: Della
Age: 18
Location: Orlando, FL
Are you open to cross-gender votes? You bet.
Would you be open to being voted as characters who are not in your age range? Would you prefer to be voted as a character who is within your age range? It does not matter to me. Whether I'am seen older or younger doesn't matter.
1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Intelligent - I know I've got a brain, so I use it. It's full of common sense, wisdom, and a lot of facts. I use my intelligence especially with people that I love and care about. Using my intelligence, I tell them what they need to hear. Not what they want to hear.
Funny - I have a loud mouth, full of funny sayings and witty remarks. I never hold back with what I've got to say, and that includes my sense of humor. The way I look at it...I can't be friends with someone if they don't have a sense of humor. Where's the fun in that?
2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
Stubborn - I'm very stubborn, especially when I'm arguing or I want something. I never back down from my arguments, especially if I'am right. It can also be seen as a positive trait for me, but a very negative trait for people that I care about get very upset with me if I become too stubborn.
Impatient - I hate waiting around, and I hate it when things are going a way that they are not meant to go. I become very impatient and irritable if I'am stuck waiting around for almost ANYTHING. Including phone calls, and even dinner when I'am in a restaurant.
Sarcastic - One day, my sarcasm is going to get the better of me. I make rude and snide remarks to people. Not very nice, but that is just how I'am. I hate it when people are too daft to understand what I'am trying to say, so I become sarcastic and nasty towards them. Somewhat of a smartass I guess you could say. Okay, a lot of a smartass.
3. If you were studying in Spence, which would be your favorite place? (By the lake, garden, church, caves, etc.) Why? My favourite place would have to be in the caves. It just gives off this magical feel to it, and I love it when things feel magical to me. Or...when things just feel "not quite right" as some people would say. Sort of...out of place? It also seems like a place I could be with my friends and no one would bother us. Like Gemma and her friends.
4. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why? I have no idea if I would've or not. Probably not. Because if there's one thing I hate, that's fake friends. Not to say Felicity and Ann are fake. But, they seem also to only want to use Gemma to get into the realms. A few times they have proven themselves to be real friends to her, but other times...I'm not so sure.
5. If the Door of Light were to appear in front of you and you were to go into the realms, what would you choose to do in them? What would they be like for you? I would have fun like all of the other girls in the realms. I would probably want to dress myself like an elf and I would run with the wolves in the forest! I would visit any place that I could and have fun fighting off the evil spirits.
6. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? Why or why not? No, no one can really be trusted it seems. Gemma finds herself trusting certain people and then she ends up getting her trust for them blown up in her face. No spirit can be trusted, and honestly none of the Order can be trusted. We do not know who wants the power for herself really.
7. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and place in society? My life would probably be very boring. My father is rich now, so life is pretty easy. But I would work at my best to make my life interesting and definitely take off to Spence! I want to be a writer now, and back then that was most likely frowned upon for a good marriage. Though I'm sure the people reading the books, enjoyed the arthurs! My place in society would be very high, but I don't think I would have much fun.
8. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it? Hm, I would make my father stop being a control freak towards me and my mother. I would use it to hear the thoughts of those around me, because there are so many things I do not know about my friends and such! It would prove useful to hear what people really think about me. Though, not very fair. It would make life a little bit too easy, don't you think? And lonely.
9. What is your favorite scene (A Great and Terrible Beauty and Rebel Angels combined)? Why? I love the scene in "Rebel Angels" when Miss Moore takes them to see the art, and they are staring at the painting of the angels at war with the beautiful Lucifer. It made me feel sort of sorry for Lucifer myself. Denied power, denied something that made him happy. Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven. Later I realized it reminded me of Miss Moore, or Circe, rather. Denied power, denied the realms. And Felecity as well too. Denied power from Gemma.
10. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why? I changed the world; the world changed me.
Everything you do comes back to you. When you affect a situation, you are also affected. I love this quote from "A Great and Terrible Beauty" because it is true. You do something to someone, it comes back to you threefolds sometimes. Or anything you try to change, you also end up changing. This has happened a lot to me.
11. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently. (We are sure you did not agree with their every action.) I choose Felecity. I don't quite trust her. Especially when she says little things about having the power one day and not being denied it. Slightly reminds me of Sarah. She proves a good friend, but part of me really doesn't trust her at all. She doesn't seem like she realizes what could happen until it actually does happen.
12. Which A Great and Terrible Beauty/Rebel Angels older character would you consider as a good role model? Why? I would have to say Mrs. Nightwing. She shows me that even behind all that control is a caring soul. She has seemed to never have misguided the girls. Though she can be a bit scary sometimes, that is only her job at a finishing scool for girls. To train them to be what they are suppose to be. Though she does give them a bit more freedom then most would.
13. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
Freedom - I want to be able to do what I want with my life. I hate it when people tell me what to do, how to dress, where to work, how to act, who to love and what not. I hate it. I have every right to be free. Just because you're my parent or my friend gives you no right to tell me what to do with my life and how I should live it.
Power - One day, I want to have power. Or something like it. Something that makes everyone listen to me for a change. I have a loud mouth, I have intelligence...but everyone has too many bees in their ear to listen carefully. I tell them what they need to hear, yet they just push me aside as if I said nothing. Thinking only themselves right.
Self-fulfillment - I want to be happy, I want to be content. I'am happy and content now. But I want it to last forever, or for at least a very long time. I don't want to have that fear in me that I'm going to lose it all one day. I want to accomplish all the things that I've wanted to be.
Beauty - Yes, I would love to be beautiful to all those around me. I know one person shall find me attractive and the other ugly. Everyone has a different view and a different taste. I have a pretty face, yet sometimes I fret and I go crazy thinking something is wrong with me. I want to have a higher self-esteem.
Wealth - Of course, money is important. They say money can't buy happiness, but I at least would like to have enough money to be able to live my life contently. I don't want to be without money one day! Wealth proves to be most useful especially when in need of it. I would of course live in a simple house, maybe...but at least I would have the money if needed!
Security - Feeling secure is of great importance. If you do not feel secure, then you do not really feel safe. I feel safe when I'm with my boyfriend, or my mother. I do not feel safe with other people of course. Without security there isn't really happiness.
Glory - It isn't all that important to me. It would be nice to have glory and be known by all for something amazing that I have done. Yet, I know it wont happen. I've given up hope on that. Things happen by chance, or luck. If I go looking for glory...It will never come.
14. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.