A rubber bullet rifle that automatically detects the range of the target and slows down its bullets if the target is too close, making it "less [likely to be] lethal." Disturbing, or practical? Does it make "a less-lethal weapon with a built-in shoot-to-kill' option," just asking for terrible accidents, or a lethal-if-it-needs-to-be weapon with a built-in safety, helping protect people when necessary and avoid terrible accidents?
http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/03/toy-firm-designs-less-lethal-taser-me-elmo-rifle/ No matter which you choose, disturbing for sure: this is from the creators of "
Tickle Me Elmo." I kid you not.
Also, apparently the military
microwaves people these days? Formally called "Active Denial" and informally known as the "Pain Ray," it's mostly used for crowd dispersion and disabling vehicles.
Oh, dear. I think I need a hug.