Precious bodily fluids

Apr 01, 2008 10:21

I'm giving blood in three hours. Hopefully there will be adequate iron and consciousness throughout! I will report back later. Well-wishes are appreciated!

There's already been an April Fool's joke here this morning:
From: [official person]
Subject: message from Student Activities re: April Fool's joke
Date: April 1, 2008 10:10:47 AM PDT
To: [reed community]

Just in case you've seen posters or heard about posters advertising a
Gray Fund event featuring Sufjan Stevens appearing Friday, April 4th
in Kaul Auditorium, it's a hoax. The posters are just a very good
April Fool's Day prank. The posters are extremely well done and
appear official, but they are just a joke.

And: you guys have visited Questionable Content/Dinosaur Comics/XKCD this morning, right? <3

holiday, amusing

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