What's in a name? A meme I just made up, that's what.

Feb 23, 2008 21:11

(a) What's the story behind your username? Expand on other aspects of your profile, such as your journal title, subtitle, and current or past display names, if you wish.

Mine: I opened my LiveJournal account in April of 2004. It was originally a way to keep in touch with friends I had made at Arkansas Governor's School, a six-week summer program I'd attended in the summer of 2003. I'd read Plato's Allegory of the Cave (from The Republic, as every Reedie knows) for the first time at AGS, and came up with the name based on that. I'd originally thought about names that involved escaping from the cave, somehow, but ran out of letters, so I took a different, more meaningful tactic: I also enjoy exploring real caves (of which Arkansas has many), and thought that exploring this metaphorical one, searching for meaning and Truth within the Cave itself, would be a good route to take.

My journal title/subtitle (and, I am sad to say, my "temporary" design/color scheme, as well as most of my profile and my list of interests) has stayed the same since those early days--most of you will recognize them as quotes from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (which I first watched in my Advanced Placement U.S. History class, interestingly enough). My display name changes at whim, and is often a song lyric or literary reference of some sort. Past ones have included my first, "one who walked away from Omelas" (a reference to a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin which I also read at AGS); "solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short" (Thomas Hobbes' description of the human condition, and a self-deprecating joke about my own size); and my current, "just a soul whose intentions are good" (lyrics from a song written for Nina Simone and famously covered by The Animals and Santa Esmeralda; it goes on to say "Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood," which I also like--I'm always afraid of that).

(b) What does LiveJournal spell-check think your username should be? Some of these are really amusing.

Mine, unfortunately, is not. But some of the spelling correction suggestions it comes up for yours are funny or profound.

Example: eighthevachild: artificiality

Check it out.


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