Jan 27, 2006 17:02
Whenever the President makes an official policy speech, it is instantly translated into over 70 languages and beamed to every corner of the globe. Times sure have changed. When George Washington gave his farewell address in 1797 the only people who heard it were his wife Martha, a hand full of staffers, and a group of school children who were on a field trip that day!
Rice paper is actually made out of peanuts!
The American Cowboy Statistics Association (ACSA) recently put out a press release announcing that, according to their recent census, less than 2% of America's 200,000 registered cowboys are gay!
The long-standing but generally ignored article 152e of Canada's national constitution guarantees a rooster to every family!
J.K Rowling has said when she created the character of Albus Dumbledore for the Harry Potter series she tried to imagine a combination of Gandalf, John Lennon, the teacher from Dead Poet's Society, Rowling's own uncle, Godric Gryffindor, Santa Claus, a grown up Holden Caufield, Willy Wonka, John the Baptist, and Batman!