Title: The Linear Life (2/?)
redcirce who looked at this over a year ago. Since then I've made some changes, added new sections, re-written parts and have re-edited it myself so all mistakes are very much mine.
Rating: All
Characters: Rose Tyler, the Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones
Pairing: Rose/Doctor
Genre: AU, Adventure, Romance, Angst
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This was wonderful and awesome. I really like the structure of this chapter- the POV shifts give us a lot of insight into (and sympathy for) all three of them, and at the same time does a good job hightlighting the breakdowns in communication and gaps in knowledge they all have concerning each other.
I loved how the Doctor and Rose were both separately angsting about the impending (hopefully!) changes in their relationship, and that he has a store of "Rose expressions". I also loved that Rose is excited about having a possible friend in Martha, sympathetic to the fact that the Doctor's obliviousness is hurting Martha, but that she still can't shake off her resentment of Martha's crush. And I felt really bad for Martha, having to put up with their honeymooning, having absolutely no idea what really happened between them and coming up with terribly wrong conclusions, and feeling like the Doctor really doesn't care for her or need her and trying to convince herself otherwise.
I just want to give them all a hug!
Other great bits:
As their fingers interlaced they both released their held breath as if some weight or pressure had been lifted off.
Clearly it was up to him, the more evolved and emotionally mature one to lead them all though it.
Snort. You tell yourself that, Doctor!
So far waiting for Rose had always gotten him exactly what he wanted.
Somehow I feel like this is not one of his better plans...
He'd needed someone to ease his loneliness, but he had not wanted Martha. Martha had merely been there, conveniently placed.
Awww, Martha. :(
They say if you name your seventh daughter Susurelexaca your family will prosper for seven generations,” he said.
...chapter three is in process, I won't have time this weekend but hopefully I'll finish it sometime this month. Up for some betaing? (I'd understand if you weren't, you've had a lot going on)
Well, I have a (paid) graphic design project due on the 14th of this month, so I'm going to be working on/fretting about that until then, but if you can wait until then, I totally can. :)
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