Shipping Meme

Jul 01, 2010 00:02

I have seen this meme around and in the interest of posting more I thought I'd give it a try. Specifically I snagged it from faythbrady.

Top 10 Ships Overall
Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes
Top 5 Canon Pairings
Top 5 "Not My Favorite, But They're Very Nice Alternate Choices" Ships
Top 5 Cross-Generation Ships
Top 5 "I Just Don't Feel What Everyone Else Is Feeling" Ships
Top 5 "I Hope These Die" Ships
Top 5 Crossover Ships

Top 10 Ships Overall

1. Rose/Doctor (any Doctor but Nine or Ten especially) (Doctor Who - I have never shipped anything so hard in my long, long career as a shipper)
2.Harry/Hermione/Ron (Harry Potter - Forget the shock of Dumbledore being gay, I'd like to see JKR do this!)
3. Rose/Ten/TenII (Doctor Who - My OT3, I'll never be the same after reading fid_gin's Loved 'Verse)
4. Rose/Doctor/Jack (Doctor Who - My other OT3, especially if the Doctor is Nine, but it is lots of fun with Ten as well. adaliafic's
Sense anyone? and don't forget this part)
5.Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter - I was holding out hope for this one right up until the epilogue, alas that is what fanfic is for after all)
6. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files - My first ship, so very dear to my heart)
7. Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha - Now is where I confess my secret anime love)
8. Sango/Miroku (Inuyasha - There was a time when they were my favorite from this show, but by the end that main couple took my interest)
9. Rachel/Tobais (Animorphs - Don't laugh)
10. Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Cannon femslash, there is nothing like it)

Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes
I covered most of these in the 'overall' category...

1. Harry/Hermione/Ron (Harry Potter - H/H/R FTW!)
2. Rose/Ten/TenII (Doctor Who)
3. Rose/Doctor/Jack (Doctor Who)
4. Anita/Jean-Claude/Asher (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter - One of my many guilty pleasure vampire series)
5. Fuu/Jinn/Mugen (Samurai Champloo - Anime again, gotta love it, it's practically cannon)

Shinji/Asuka/Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion gets an honerable mention here, it was a tough fit for number five.

Also an honorable mention is Rose/Doctor/Master - check out orange_crushed's stuff 1 2 3 and 4

Top 5 Canon Pairings

1. Rose/Doctor (Doctor Who - Disagree all you like, but I call it like I see it on screen)
2. Mulder/Scully (The X-Files - See above)
3. Inuyasha/Kagome and Sango/Miroku (Inuyasha - No it's not cheating to list them together)
4. Rachel/Tobais (Animorphs - Still no laughing)
5. Willow/Tara (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Top 5 "Not My Favorite, But They're Very Nice Alternate Choices" Ships

1. Rose/Any Classic Who Doctor (Doctor Who)
2. Rose/Jack (Doctor Who)
3. Rose/Donna (Doctor Who - No I don't think I need a Rose intervention also have you read alder_knight's  Sublimation? Doctor!Donna and BadWolf!Rose FTW!)
4. Draco/Ginny (Harry Potter - It was in the background of so many of my Harry/Hermione fics that I came to like it.  I even read a fic where it was the focus and H/H was in the background)
5. Mickey/Jake (Doctor Who - I was holding out for this one to be cannon.  Oh, fanfic how badly I need you to fill the holes in my life)

Top 5 Cross-Generation Ships

1. Rose/Doctor (Doctor Who)
2. Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha - He was a centuries old demon, she was a Japanese school girl)
3. Buffy/Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
4. Anita/Jean-Claude (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
5. Sookie/Eric (The Southern Vampire Novels - Yes, these are the books that Trueblood is based off of)

Top 5 "I Just Don't Feel What Everyone Else Is Feeling" Ships

1. Doctor/River Song (Doctor Who - Why I can't watch series five until I am more detached)
2. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter - I know it is cannon now but it always squicked me out)
3. Ten/Martha (Doctor Who - WTF? They don't even have chemistry as friends)
4. Ten/Donna (Doctor Who - They almost make it more clear that they do not see each other this way then they do with the Doctor having no romantic feelings for Martha (it's not like is was a third of the plot of season three or anything))
5. Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter- Eh.)

Top 5 "I Hope These Die" Ships

1. Doctor/River (Doctor Who - She can die in a fire...wait...)
2. Doctor/Martha (Doctor Who)
3. Doctor/Reinette (Doctor Who)
4. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
5. I don't feel this strongly about any others right now.

Top 5 Crossover Ships

1. Rose Tyler/Perter Carlisle (Doctor Who/Blackpool - Hey, it could happen, jlrpuck_fic's  The Things 'Verse anyone?)
2. Rose Tyler/Willow Rosenberg (Doctor Who/Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I've yet to find any fic for this, please write me some)
3. Rose Tyler/River Tam (Doctor Who/Firefly - See above)
4. Rose Tyler/Spike (Doctor Who/Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Ever read rosa_acicularis's Dead Things?)
5. Umm I can't think of anyone else to ship Rose with...I mean crossovers that I am interested in.

The interactive portion of the meme:
Ask any question about any of the above ships - why I ship it, what my favorite scene is, explanation.

rose/ten, rose/doctor, the x-files, anime, fan fiction, shipping, doctor who, animorphs, the doctor, rose tyler, harry potter, rose/nine, meme, me, ships, the tenth doctor, fandom, the ninth doctor

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