(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 21:41

I had to get somewhere safe.. I had to hide...
Hide...from my own father.

He'd gone insane after I seperated myself from him.
I couldn't take what he'd done.. and what he was doing now.

So, I got my things, my books and my clothes, and hopped onto a bus to an out-of-the-way place called Sunnydale.

I got off the bus, being the only one to Sunnydale at the time, I suppose.
No one else followed me, but something was..watching...

I had a stake in the waistband of my jeans, with my jacket buttoned so it couldn't be seen.
I made sure that I could feel the stake, kept my hand clenched on it.

Outside the view of the light from the bus terminal, It made Its appearance.
It..being a vampire.
"Well this is something I certainly didn't expect."

The vampire lunged at me, and I stepped backwards.
Another came at me from behind, and I manged to cartwheel back into him the heels on my boots smacking him hard in the face.
I gave him a roundhouse, knocking him flat on his ass.

I gave the other a front kick, but he caught my leg and threw me backwards.
I rolled over backwards, landing on my feet in a crouch.

Several more came up then, wanting in on the frey.
Or moreover..if they knew me..the Frey-A. Yep, folks, that's me.
Freya Pendragon.

I'm actually a Watcher, not a Slayer. But anyway.

"Oh, this is bad. This is really bad."
I had to take drastic measures. I changed, to my Ocelot form.
They're good hunters, and nocturnal. So the vamps and I were on equal ground.

The change was quick, and it caught the vamps off-guard.
I was only using this as maybe a way to get the vamps away from me, diminishing their numbers. Making the fight easier for me..

I slashed at some, bit others, tearing off limbs, shredding others.
Some left. That was good.

I changed back, while most's backs were turned.
Grabbing my stake, I went to dust one..and failed.
I got tackled.
Damn, if there's vamps here, where's the Slayer?

I wrapped my legs around the vamp on top of me, rolling over stradling him.
"Oooh, kinky. Me like." he said.
"Oh, please." I replied, and dusted him.

I stood up, dusting another by accident. But a good accident, I'll admit.
There were trees all around, but none of the branches were the right height..
After my..catfight? the dustings were easy. Many were too fatigued to keep it up. More started leaving. I dusted one, two, three more and the rest ran off into the night.


I walked into the residential area. There were houses all around, which I was glad for.
I walked along the streets, not looking for anyone in particular..
And I felt like I was being watched again..

I changed, to my Owl form, my form solidifying in the air. I watched, finding a redhead looking around, confused.

[Open to Willow]
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