Time waster Wish more of it was on-line.
As usual, I am perfecting my procrasti-ninja tactics.
Now on to finish a proposal.
I mean, start it.
I am a bad example of a good grad student.
Though, Marianne seems on the up and up with my plans for education. . She's one of the few profs who'se gotten me from the moment I met her. She's going to be on my committee and she so eloquently reminded me of some tips and tricks while doing my research that I havent thought of before.
So many rules to research, it baffles the mind. Deadlines. I get nervous just thinking about it.
She's suggested going back to Canada. We talked about the schooling options and how relativly easy it will be to slide in to some sociology program... so I guess on top of everything, I need to get to researching schools. Submission deadlines coming up and what not. I like the idea of SFU, because it is so unconventional
Now, to stop slacking and write this proposal. Its tough to get excited about it, because it seems so logical. The problem is not that I can't stretch my creative muscle.. its something else... undefinable.
Keeping my fingers crossed this turns out well... Have a feeling this is going to keep me up all night.