Nuts and bolts, nuts and bolts!

Mar 17, 2008 13:40


So I thought I had a job, but apparently not. Tuesday I went in for interviews and was told I had the manager job at Japan House. The boss David said he'd be calling us all the next week to come in for training and whatnot. After no call by Wednesday of the next week, I went by the restaurant to see him. He apologized for being so busy, that he hadn't called anyone, that I was his priority, and he asked me if I could make a Japanese pdf file for him, just typing "welcome" in Japanese. No problem, show off my Japanese skills, sweet deal. He said he didn't have his CO yet, so couldn't open. It'd be this month, definitely.

No word for another week and a half until last night, when some other guy, not David, calls and says "Hello Brian? You applied for a host position, right? Or manager?"

"Um... I was HIRED as a manager already."

"Oh... uh... well it says you're only available Wednesday mornings and Saturdays."

"No, I want Wednesdays and Saturdays off, but I can work Wednesday mornings if I need to."

"Ohhhh... well... I don't know but we're having a meeting at 1 PM this Tuesday, and we want to have the grand opening next Sunday, so come on Tuesday and we can talk about schedules and everything ok?"

So I get another call tonight, 1 day later mind you.

"Hello Joseph?"

"This is Brian."

"Right, Brian Joseph?" "yes..." "Well I wanted to tell you the only positions I have open right now are host and hostess, so is that ok with you?"

", because I was already hired as a manager. Tell David to call me."

"Well, I guess you don't really need to come to the meeting on Tuesday then, sorry bye."

WHAT the FUCK? I'm not sure whether to drive down there tomorrow [Monday] or just show up at the meeting on Tuesday. I sent David an email, but he didn't reply to any of my other ones [the one with the pdf file I sent him was replied to by his designer, not him], one requesting the weekend of Aggiecon off, so I doubt he will to this one. I'm also not sure he'll be there tomorrow, while I'm sure he will on Tuesday. Honestly I just want to deck him.

So provided this works out the way I'm figuring it will [i.e. badly] I'll be unemployed again. Still, I should say. wooo. Fucker.

-Brian Ellis
Forever Spellbound
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