Letters Home From Korea: From Quijonbu to Mill Valley, Letter #9

Aug 10, 2011 21:14

Letter #8

TITLE: Letters Home From Korea: From Quijonbu to Mill Valley, Letter #9
AUTHOR: willows_whiten/spell_divine
TABLE: #11: Song Titles A
PROMPT: #4: I Guess You Had To Be There.
SUMMARY: BJ tells Peg about his prank to make Winchester think he's lost weight, gained weight, grown and shrunk.
NOTES: The timing's a little off, as the pranks happen before the book, but the station I've been watching the show on likes to play episodes only semi in order, and I didn't double check the true order of those two episodes.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

Darling Peg,
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine (besides Erin). You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don’t take my sunshine away why did they take my sunshine away?
How I miss you. Thank you for the cake. It served a very noble role in my latest prank (as well as being delicious and making me miss you and your cooking even more).
First I should mention the changing of the guards Swamp Rats. I told you about Frank getting a section 8, right? Well, it wasn’t necessary for Hawkeye and I to lament about not being able to pick on him anymore: Frank’s replacement is a stiff and a bore. His name is Charles Emerson Winchester III. He gets insulted by being called “Chuck” and “Charlie”. At least he’s a decent surgeon. Because he’s such a hoity-toity, Hawk and I pick on him. My latest escapade was to make him think he’s lost weight. So I switched his uniform with one that’s bigger. When he figured out it was too big, I told him he needed to eat more. (Hawkeye is being great about playing along by the way). He complained about the food and I told him you just have to convince your taste buds that it tastes good. He asked how I did it, and I said I didn’t need to, that you were a horrible cook (a downright lie, of course. I love you). And now I just need to get him to eat more than normal. Then I’ll get a uniform too small so he thinks he got fat. Then I figure I’ll get a uniform that’s too short. What? I need to find ways to keep myself busy and keep my mind off this war. A guy could go crazy if he didn’t have a little fun. Besides, it’s not the worst thing I could be doing; if you only knew the common past times that men around here engage in, you’d kiss me for pulling pranks.
By the way, feel free to send more books. As I said before, the whole camp loves them. Just make sure the last page is there, so I don’t call any more senile authors, okay? (I love you. . .)
I love when I can call you and hear your voice. I miss both of you so much. I swear, I think I might actually cry when I see you again.
I can’t believe Erin is becoming mobile. I wish I was there to see it. I worry she’ll be talking before I’m home. In my most pessimistic moments, I hope I’m home before she gets married.
Maybe I should wait until I’m home, but I just want to get you thinking about it. What do you think about us giving Erin a sibling? Maybe I’m being selfish, and just want to have a child whose whole life I can experience instead of being across the ocean. Don’t give me an answer yet, I just want you to think about it. We can discuss it when I get home (I promise, I am coming back.) (Okay, I’ll admit too that the process of giving Erin a sibling is another reason I offered the suggestion).
I found out I’m luckier than some. Hawkeye was telling me Col. Blake (he left before I got here) had a son born while he was over here. I guess I’m lucky that I got to know Erin a little while she was a baby. I keep hoping I’ll be home in time for our anniversary; or her first birthday at the latest.
I love you so much Peg. I miss you like crazy. I want nothing more than to take you in my arms and never let go. You are my sunshine. Give Erin a kiss for me, and tell her Daddy says for her to give you a kiss for me.
I love you both with all my heart,
BJ xoxoxo

Letter #10

fandom: m*a*s*h, writing style: letters, community: 12_stories, pov: 1st person, written: 2011, writing style: fan fiction, community: mash_fic

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