Title: Up and Down Times
Rating: G
Summary: A tiny piece about BJ having PTSD.
Pairings: BJ/Peg
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Link or LJ-cut:
"No! No! Stop!" BJ tossed under the bedding.
"BJ! BJ!" Peg shook him awake.
BJ looked at her, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"You were scaring me honey. What was it?"
"I was in Korea and they kept bombing the MASH unit."
"It was just a dream." Peg kissed him and held him close.
"I'm so sorry you have to go through this," he said.
"It's nothing compared to what you went through. What you're going through. I wish you hadn't had to go."
"Me too. But I'm glad I met those people."