Feb 08, 2006 17:13
So, you may have gotten a strange text message from me in the past hour or so.
And you're probably thinking 1) "Wow! what a great idea!" 2) "You're out of your fuckin mind!" 3) "Don't matter to me either way..."
I'd like to take the game a step further... Blizzard has been mass opening new servers on a regular basis. I'd like to get most of us together to play on the same server AND open a MC guild.
I know you might not be thinking it takes a lot to run a guild, but it does. Especially if you want a good one.
Now, please, if this is something you're interested in, even if you don't have a toon, but want to start one... please post here.
I need a webdesigner, raid leaders, recruitment officers, DKP/Loot Bitch (I'd gladly take this one, even though i'm sure it's a dismal task), a designated, dependable maintain/healer... And a name!
My most desired classes: Druid, Priest, Warlock, Hunter
indifferent classes: Paladin/Shaman, warrior
Fuckin Forget it classes: Rogue, Mage
Side? Horde or Alliance? Personally, I don't care.
Let me know if you're interested. It would require some degree of dedication, so please only do it if you intend to invest into it.