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Mar 09, 2005 22:24

well the last couple days have been pretty rad which is something completely new i havent had fun in about a year lol isnt that sad things are slowly changing tho virginia is still the most boring place on the face of this earth
but i guess i can deal with that for now i start my tattoo job in like 3 weeks i cant wate everyone i know has been asking me to draw shit for them which gets kinda anoying but at the same time its awsome to think that someone likes my work enough to permanetly put it on there body well with good always comes something bad my ex girlfriend and now closest friend refuses to talk to me as long as im with casey but i guess some sacrifices must be mad if u care enough about someone or something its quite a downer but ill live im sure oh yeah and um yeah big party on my b-day april 1st well 2nd and 3rd to lol mass people coming but never enough we are getting 2 hotel rooms and mad well everything to satisfy ur um how do u say um intoxication needs lol oh yeah plus my probation officer is patitioning the california courts so i can get off probation 3 years early so yeah i guess it was worth it to not have ne fun for a few months ne ways i guess thats it l8 ppl oh yeah if u need details about the party hit me up 757 724 4788 l8
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