Writer's Block: Your Username

Aug 17, 2008 22:57

      My user name is from an old band nickname which ties into my odd real first name: Marx. Here goes. Back in the decade I was in a popular local Tucson band. The leader would introduce me as Marx B. Loeb the third. Hey--it's my name. I have always hated being introduced that way and I am to this day..sounds pompous as hell to me. Anyway--one of the band members' brother and sister in law called him to say they had new kittens. Upon seeing them, my friend was told that one of the kittens was named after "the drummer" and said the little guy's name was "Speelo" There was confusion until my friend realized his relatives thought my name was Mark Speelo (the third, I guess). He told all of us in the band and we cracked up. The nickname has stuck. I am known on both XBox Live and Second Life as Speelo. I've been given a lot of nicknames. Speelo is one I honestly like. 

writer's block

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