Democratic Party Convention--Hey, I'm hopeful.

Aug 24, 2008 21:57

    For those of you who don't know, I'd self describe as a lefty with some conservative baggage. I've never voted Republican in any election which borders on masochism in Arizona. I do live in Tucson and in Pima County. We're the Arizona equivalent of Austin Texas in Travis County; that is, islands of liberal surrounded by lots of conservative ocean. That's changing a bit up in Maricopa County but that isn't the point here. I still believe in voting even if my state picks "wrong."  (All of these points are worthy of their own posts, but this joint ain't primarily a political blog.)

In any case, the Democrats start their convention tomorrow (or today if it's Monday when you read this) and I"m hopeful I think Biden was a smart choice for Obama and beyond all the stagecraft, hoopla, pomp, and bullshit, I hope the Dems can pull things together. Please note I'm using the word hope. I also hoped that (at least) our Vice President, Mr. Rumsfeld, Mr. Rove, and Mr. Libby would be impeached or tried for crimes under our bitchin' new Democratic majority Congress but that didn't seem to work out so well. Please don't comment here to let me know about the vote majority needed in both houses. The Dems caved in and have done little and the Republicans, who logically after the '06 election should have done everything in their power to distance themselves from the administration possilbly including donning biohazard suits when around some of these guys, did what they do best--link arms and do a fine impression of interlocking Legos (tm).

So we're to the convention and I'm hopeful that Obama honestly presents his case for bi-partisan cooperation and the end of the insane level of partisanship that's developed over the last 20 years. I think that Biden can help. They may fight like pit bulls privately, but this could be good.

Now we come to the Clintons. I've decided that how both of them handle themselves at this circus could determine two things. The first thing obviously is the presidency itself. If enough of the Senator's supporters end up sitting at home in mute protest or vote for McCain and that's added to last-minute independents who decide to vote for him AND the racists vote their "guts" then we're screwed or very well could be. Thing two? The Clintons political cred could be completely destroyed. If they walk in and for some reason even hint that they're going along and doing their part and being "good soldiers" even though we know that Hill' would have been better then they're screwed. Either party wouldn't forget this or forgive it. With things this close--I wouldn't blame them. My thought here is that both are smart, shrewd people and they realize this.

I'm hopeful. I'm hoping both Hillary and Bill decide to give the best speeches of their lives and heartily endorse Obama. They both can do this--they have the chops. Let's see if they do.

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