i believe that God or something "above us all" exists.
i believe that everything happens for a reason.
i believe in signs, but more importantly, i believe in miracles.
i believe that we are all here for a reason.
i believe that life works in circles: we have to feel pain in order to feel happiness.
i believe that love, or at least appreciation/understanding, is the answer to everything.
i believe in true beauty: everyone has their own sense of beauty and it is a reflection of how badly s/he is working to live the best life possible
i believe we need other people: to love, to comfort, to get angry with, to share with, to remind us.
i believe umbrellas are a complete waste of money.
i believe that we can have more than one "home".
i believe that we can fall in love with much more than one person.
i wish that heartache was just a figurative saying. of course, i'm only saying that now.
i love spring. this is, by far, my favorite time of year. it's so hopeful.
and i love the way you can hear the birds singing, even though it's raining out.
and i love watching the new green leaves on the trees dance around as the raindrops hit them.
and i love just standing out in the rain being washed, rinsed, reborn, reminded it's going to be alright.
i have to keep reminding myself that this is "the best time of my life". but i can't help but think it's only going to get better. i mean, i love my life. i love where i am right now. i love everything i have. and i'm only still exploring.
sam once played me this song about suicide and for some reason i haven't been able to get it out of my head.
the beginning is really pessimistic and pro-suicide. it starts talking about how if you end it all, you won't have to deal with stupid life things
then the more it progresses, it talks about how you'll never get to experience all those stupid things and how even though they're stupid, why do you want to miss out? those stupid things are the heart and soul of life. the breakups, the one night stands, the hangovers, laughing so hard it hurts, crying so hard it hurts, breaking hearts, skydiving, jumping over campfires, spraining ankles, making babies laugh, reading poetry by candlelight at the hampshire tree, going to concerts, getting really scared, hugging, laying down in the sun, having picnics, climbing mountains, feeling really extreme emotions (even if it's anger or sadness), missing people, music theory and chords, awkwardness, pub safety run-ins, arrests, conversations that last until 6 in the morning, drama, singing, eating, stressing out, irony, video games, record players, sound, books, compliments, saga food, laughing at people singing/dancing in the car next to you, being laughed at for singing/dancing by the people in the car next to you, having your hand fit perfectly in another hand, when he smiles at you for that extra moment, collections, lindt truffles, microwavable meals, pulling all nighters...3 nights in a row, finishing a project, falling in love, just being.
i think it's funny how i can start writing a livejournal entry being pretty upset and then feel a lot better by the end.
it's going to be okay.