An amusing little story

Dec 21, 2008 22:22

Today's work at Target encompassed my being tossed into a very busy Food Avenue that was gradually running out of *everything*... we didn't have salted or plain or cinnamon pretzels to begin with, just chocolate chip and cheddar nor did we have breadbowls- then we ran out of first the fancy pizzas, then sandwiches, then what was left of the soups, then nachos, then breadsticks, then pretzels, then plain pizza, then coffee, then chicken fingers, then pepperoni pizza, then hot dogs... and I'm certainly forgetting other critical, commonly ordered foodstuffs. Needless to say, we ended up having only cookies, muffins, fountain drinks, and smoothies, and the customers were *NOT* happy campers.

So there's a day at Food Ave! Then Meghan was a total sweetheart and grabbed me at the end of my shift so I wouldn't have to ride my bike back after dark in a road covered with black ice.

Speaking of black ice... the moment I stepped out of Meghan's car, I nearly had pavement for dinner served by said black ice, and prevented myself from having that highly unappetizing meal by a spastic flailing of my arms... kind of like mhy crazy swerving at that one point where my bike hit ice, I lost control, and found myself leaving right to fall on the side of the road lest I be pitched directly into heavy traffic- fortunately I regained balance and did not end up in the ditch- though that would still be preferable to underneath someone's wheels!

Of course, if *that* happened, there would be no need to pull this allnighter tonight to do my thesis. No, no, precious, I'd get all the sleep I ever wanted! Yeah, just my darker brand of humor

Anyhow, as is my style, I digress. Right after aforementioned crazed armflailing I could hear "Cherrrrrrr! Yeah Cher!" coming from the second floor of my building.

Yep! Some friends from upstairs saw it all! They just happened to be looking out the window.

Oh this will definitely be another "Remember when Cher...?" story. Kind of like "Remember when Cher's chair toppled when two of the Jesses decided to divebomb her lap? Remember Cher's manburp? Remember Cher's somersaulting start to her last lap of the 1500?"

AHAHAHA good times.

Since I've digressed into a mood of reminiscences, I'm going to hide some of my piccies behind


Swimming in the Long Island Sound with some of my dear friends from home =) <3333 the class of 2005 forever... Kryst-Al, Jess, Laura, and (lj user="trishie05"> were present this wonderful weekend

The sun sets on the summer of 2008. The next day, sparksong and her mom will be returning me to campus.

The most common place to find a Riverhead resident in her early 20s late at night- Applebees.

Renaissance Faire with Meghan and Dan. That corset shows why I want a reduction very, very badly...

My friend Lauren ans I share a birthday- she turned 21 and I turned 22. That would be the party I hosted in my dorm.

On my way to the city for a reunion with Stan and then Lauren's phase of the birthday at a Brooklyn karaoke bar. I encountered some of my teammates on the train. Yeahhhh chance encounters!

HOOOOO that buffet turned out to be a fiasco! $45 a head for godawful food, NOT pleasant!!!

Glen by the karaoke bar dartboard

The Library Club went on an adventure to Brooklyn to visit my predecessor, former president Lauren, and her manchild! We visited the Botanical Gardens and played lots of rockband. As you can see, I'm so awed by the beauty of the Gardens that my aura is a visible blur. That, or my bad looks scared the camera= P

Stony brook Invitational. I didn't race this cross-country because of a bum hip. =( Just like I did not race outdoor because of the tendon damage in my arch. I'm a wreeeeck!

Now that some LCers and I found a Dairy Queen on the way back from Salem, I can cross eating at DQ off of "Things to do before I die" (Explanation for out-of-New York folks... New York has no Dairy Queen.)

Meghan, sharkeyfin1916, Sharkey's manchild Rusty, and I made an awesome team! (Meg would be behind the camera)

This is what my friends and I get up to. This, and breaking into the secret tunnels underground few know about (SHH!)

We ended up very cold for some odd reason. Can't imagine why...

There was a sci-fi/fantasy convention going on at the same time as the BASIC retreat. Good times! LOVED the Darth Vader statue.

And now I want to watch Star Wars.

I definitely did not see this one coming.

The entrance to Bag End at the Middle Earth Corn Maze in Jamestown

I made some new friends. The five of us played Jenga to epic proportions and came up with odd new rules... ad we bring you... EXTREME JENGA! Amid plotting to rectify campus issues, I hope we started a new Student Faculty Staff retreat tradition!

Just one of many odd results of Britt and I discovering our webcams.

I knew some friends were coming home, so I did too!

On the way to the first indoor track meet.

One of the milder parts of a rather vicious game of musical chairs!

Rather ironic, we get new red jackets when I perhaps might finally not be redshirting due to injury! *knock on wood*

More musical chairs!

It's me and periantari! =D Hobbity love with my hobbitwifey!, starting with the last day of summer (Riverhead Polish festival!) and ending with my hobbitmoot with periantari

target, winter, spazziness, friends, school, photos, academics

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