(no subject)

May 31, 2015 12:45

evryone listen to this, it's great!!

someone (hahha) called my suporvisors and made up a lie saying that i told "our" hole school that she was pregnant.. hahahahhah! they TRIED to get me fired hahah. me and my suporvisor were just laughing, my suporvisor kept trying to contact this patient but of course they wouldnt pick up. hahahaha this is so funny when i found this out i started laughing and thought to my self "wow some people are just so lame it's not worth it hahahahahahah" ahhahahahh i cant stop laughing about this. cant wait to see them at work again hahahahahahahhah.

i think some people are jealous because they work at piece of shit food places while i work inside a nice office and see them come into my work for funny shit hahah.


went to Idllywild this weekend and got HELLA TAN! yeaaaaah!

for my b-day i got a iPOd , a 2 foot BIZONG, shopping, a b-day party, and somethig naughty hahahahahah.
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