Jun 24, 2002 09:05
subject of this post:I've been passing alot
Okay so I've been on estratest for a while now. 3 months to be exact. I've been noticing some changes in my body but because I'm on estratest (with estrogen and not much testosterone) I've chalked up all the chages to being imagined. I think this weekend might have disproved my theory a bit.
to site a feew specific examples (or all of them cause there aren't that many)
1) About a week ago I was mentioning to a friend of mine (on T.) that I was having major scalp problems. I was (and am) going to the dermatologist because my scalp has been hurting and itching and generally feeling really wierd. (no it's not lice I already checked) He mentioned that since being on T. he had experienced some similar symptoms. I'm not sure how accurate his theory is about his heads growth being the cause, but it sounds good to me. So maybe that's what happening to me? Okay I'll leave that one to the dermatologist...
2) Saturday Paige and I were with a different friend who mentioned that my face was looking more masculine. Less cheekbone definition, more jaw. Okay I'm lying about more jaw.
3) Sunday Paige and I are again with differen friends (who knew we were so popular) one of which asked if I was on T cause my voice sounded noticably lower. Hmmm?
I've noticed hair. Not hair like guys on a full dose see but har none-the-less. It's more like girl hair growing in boy style. I've been pretty hairless up to this point (okay really hairless) but I'm starting to see more hair everywhere. Especially upper thigh, back of thigh, knee (wierd), shoulders, back of neck, etc. All the hair is kind of fine and whispy like girl hair, but it's growing in all the more boyish places. I can only attribute this to the estratest.
On a side note for my own documentation purposes: I've been feeling very moody shortly after taking my pill in the morning. Paige seems to think it's the opposite, when I don't take my pill I'm a jerkish punk, when I do take it I'm a lovely boy. I'm not sure how to test the theory. I don't feel like I can be objective about it when I'm being a moody asshole.
yay for finally posting.