New Years Day

Jan 01, 2006 12:13

Well, it is noon, January the First, year two thousand and six. I woke up, prepare myself a nice dish with last night leftovers and then decided to write here.

Last Year was full of emotions, Two very nice trips with Jeff, one to Mexico (Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara) and one to Europe (Birttany, France) I loved that and it helped us to understand each other, and we had the chance to see more of our roots. We shared a lot of nice times and now our relationship is stronger. At the end of the year I had to make a decision and for Financial reasons I had to leave my own office and look to work for a company. Luckily I found a job in less than a month, and now I combine both of them, giving services to my own clients and working for the company full time.

I also tried to get my family to communicate more, unsucesfully, ending up e-mailing and giving telephone calls myself (as it has been for the past 5 or 6 years) The best of it is that when I call they are pretty cool and we had good conversations (all but my father, but this is a work in progress). I have always been close to Pepe, my oldest brother and my uncle Hector. I can see that this is a cultural thing more and that they are not used to write or call; but will like to get some response.

I have to work on some social stuff, like being more open with people and critic less their defaults. I had a modest upbriging and a middle class family; my mother was very, very loving, but a total mess when it comes to organizing stuff and cleaning; our house was ok, but for years she was alone and never found the time to improve on that, our eduction was good compared to others, but somehow poor and most of us never finished school. We made our own culture from our experiences in life, school and the streets. All that left a mark on me and now I try to avoid being like that or being close to people with little education or culture.

Normally humans try to improve themselves, and be better than the rest; so I understand my will to improve, but noticed that I had been obsesive with makeovers, changes and improvement, it can be me or others. And critizise people for the way they talk, they dress or they do things. Deep inside I know that I can also learn from them. So this I have to work on.

I may close my office in april, which will give me more time to concentrate on personal projects, I will like to write more music, subscribe to some diplomas at school, work more around the house and plan weekends with Jeff and friends.

This year has been pretty good, and I am looking forward to a great year 2006.

jeff, family, work, social

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