Jan 09, 2011 23:00
(This is going to be way less detailed, because I hit the escape key a few times and voila! My post was fully erased.)
I made mention of the eternal "Ground Hog Day" that is my life as of late. It shows no sign of letting up, but I will deal with it all accordingly. Consequently, I have been in a highly contemplative mood the last few days, and I am done with it all. This mood has presented itself because I need to make some major decisions soon. The two trails at my cross-roads are soon upon me, and I need to figure out what to do. Both are grand options, but I need to decide which I should run with to the hills. Do I stay in and live the life that I am living? Progressing through the ranks of the ultimate machine. Or do I let it all go and pursue what I said I would do when I was younger? Resetting the clock to zero, and being happy knowing I'm doing something I would love. Both would be a good life, because I would enjoy it all.
This state that I am in is able to get me thinking about all kinds of things, and I must shake it before I do drastic things. That is what thinking can do to me, and that part I don't enjoy too much.
(Don't you love the lack of detail, and all the generalities?)
Anywho, the day has played out well. My underling and I did a little work. I avoided a grand arrangement that would have made life a lot harder. I am now just waiting on the end of my day... and a shot at the gym. As much as I don't want to I will be escaping life through my music and cardio. Wish me luck, and I'll be back on this medium soon.