(no subject)

May 22, 2004 00:34

Well to start off it's 12:34 and I'm not even tired. It's strange how I've been in a Thursday mood all week, I mean I have been listening to them all week long. It's crazy!

Man everyone is out of school except for county schools. We don't get out till like 10:15 next thursday. I saw Kristi Cartright, or however you spell her last name, walking down the street tonight, and all I have to say is that she is one FINE girl, yeh anyone will back me up on that. This friday has sucked! nothing happened, and I have to go to work tomorrow and i'll probably end up cleaning skates like I always do. But one day! one day I will be the D.J. that makes sense in a way.

For all of you who know my hair, well I'm getting it cut off before summer. It's gonna be gone!

Well this school year has just gone by too fast, I mean you can consider me a sophomore now, just as long as I'm not a freshman anymore. that's a plus!

I think I'm going to start playing in a band again the week I get back from choir tour. We're going to colorado, i think, which I'm not too sure what there is in colorado that is exciting. Oh well i'm there anyways.

I;m in a delerious state to where it feels like I am updating this and it's a dream, but it's not, it's for real and I don't even know why I'm even saying this stuff, because you really don't care about that, because all you want to do is listen to me complain or brag about stuff on this journal. You don't care about anything but that.

I dunno who my sunday school teachers will be next year but I hope they are willing to put up with me, jake, scott, spence, and travis. Oh wait! and Lauren, she is a dirty little ho who comes home smelling like little boys, no wonder your mom worries so much.

In others news me and Scott have come to a conclusion that Lindy has a really big butt, it's kinda funny! I mean it's like hey Lindy and BAM! theres her butt. I don't think she knows it though, so lets keep it our little secret.

I'm so tired of mourning over her, I'm trying to forget what we could have had and  learn to respect what we do have. I guess you could consider us friends now, I mean it could have worked out but now just ins't the time for it.[there I go, complaining again]

If anyone needs a bass guitar, well, to be in a band or whatever, I am one!

I'm free from the problems of life and I need something to occupy me.

Man I'm on a roll! with all the whining I should become a proffessional whiner, and the funny thing is is that I am still doing it then complaining against it....holy crap! I'm losing my mind! It's a never ending cycle! the only way I could escape it is to conjur up a plan to not complain or to boast or to whine about anything.

maybe this will help.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

well the dots [DO] help, I mean theres no meaning to them, theres no emotions, no ideas, no concepts, just ...........blank. Whoever invented the period (dot) well I give you my congradulations! good job.

Oh man I'm tired now. I'm out. I love taking up all of your time so...........later

I think I'm going to sign this one.

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