May 27, 2004 15:57
omg, yesterday was a half-hour school day, i got to school at 9:30 and left at 10:00 a.m. I was "kidnapped" by my crew, jk, we were catching up on old times NIGGA \_/, it was gr8, we got to sunset, and we'r so retarded that we forgot to bring some female action, so we picked Eli and melissa(dont really know her, but she's cool), head back over to sunset and we try to go into the stores, but sadly enough we realize it wasn't even noon, it was only 11 a.m., but w/e, we were just walking around looking like damn losers, it was completely empty, and we were like the only ppl walking in the mall, too suspicious lol, sev and i were just tooooo desperate 2 c eli with a skirt on, so we got this ho' as fo'! skirt at hollister for her,, props props, she liked it, and we were a size away from her true size, it was gr8, damnnnnnnnnnn these girls that work at hollister are gifts of nature my friends, they are godesses!!! but yeah anyway, ummmm, she liked it we liked it = imagine the results..... well, few of them had to bak to school for sum b.s. reason, especially ricky, cuz he wanted to work on the chem. lab, he was freakin' out he wasnt doing much work for class so he felt the need to go bak, and indeed he was having the meantime sev, chewy, and I WERE CRACKING OUR ASSES OFF in the theatre watchin' the funniest movie in the past year: SHREK 2. cant ask for more, i need to c that movie again, it was too good, Puss is my favorite character, can't beat that innocence, CANT TOUCH THAT...too funny.....
today wasn't as fun xcept for the fact that we all got our yearbooks, and that Ray "hacky member" said the funniest shit of life after i kicked the sack over to the hall, and this man.........during lunch while on duty, anyway, he said: "HE RAN OVER THE HACKY SACK," it was a man on a wheelchair, and the poor just nodded and kept rolling down, IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING, omg!!!!
CLASS OF 2004 rox town everyone, 9 days left and we'r OUT!
Graduation will take place at UM June 10th, 10 a.m.
remember to sign yearbooks ppl, i'd like everyone to sign mine, since, i dont if many of u have heard or not, but unfortunately i'll b moving back to Peru for a year in July....i know IT SUX!