Proud To Be White
Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans, Arab Americans, Native Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.
You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey,"
"Whitey," "
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A few facts from
- Real median income did not change between 2002 and 2003 for non-Hispanic white households (about $48,000), black households (about $30,000)
- Real median household income remained unchanged between 2002 and 2003 in three of the four census regions - Northeast ($46,742), Midwest ($44,732) and West ($46,820). The exception was the South, where income declined 1.5 percent. The South continued to have the lowest median household income of all four regions ($39,823). (The south of course having the highest concentration of blacks and hispanics.)
- The South was the only region to show an increase in its uninsured rate in 2003, up from 17.5 percent in 2002 to 18.0 percent. The health insurance coverage rates of people in the South and in the West (17.6 percent) were not different in 2003.
Point is there's a reason why there are organizations needed to support young blacks going into college. Why there are organizations needed to boost pride. Do you think people meant to live in the ghetto? They were forced there partly due to circumstance. There is a very small part of the population that can rise above thier parents income.
And what is "white pride"? I don't understand that. I understand "Irish Pride" or "German pride" but what is this white pride you speak of? I get where you're coming from, however understand that as a white male in today's society there is a higher percent chance that you'll get a job over someone who doesn't have white skin. And there is my shpeel ;)
And due to the last election in Michigan, race doesn't give white people the edge over anyone or vice versa thanks to proposal 2. Now race won't be looked at as a determining factor. If someone of a different race is going to get a job over me, I would like to know it's because they are better at it than me, not because they needed to fill a quota.
And yes I knew a topic like this would cause an uprising.
Try and prove racism. It's insanely hard to do. But it still exists.
And again...what do you mean by "White Pride" ? You're asking to be able to have it but what does it mean to you to have "White Pride"?
And I know you knew that this topic would spark debate because it's not so cut and dry as all that.
And by white pride I mean being able to say anything about me being white without being called a racist for saying "Hey I'm white and I'm happy I'm white."
There are still more whites going to college than minorities even percentage-wise.
ANd when have you ever wanted to say i'm happy i'm white? If someone says they're happy they're something they usually have a reason for it. I'm happy i'm mixed because I have great hair (self call) and I feel that i'm more tolerant of other races and people I don't nec. understand due to my position as someone who is mixed. I also know what it's like to not be liked and discriminated because of my color. Have you ever really felt bad because of a derogatory racial slur that someone threw at you?
I honestly think you need to think all of this out before you start throwing around statements such as why is there not a white history month. Look at any history lesson...five times out of ten they'll mention maybe one black person, if that.
Yes I can honestly say there are no all white fraternities on my campus. They may be mostly white yes, but due to being classified as unjust, unequal, and racist we can not claim it to be white. So if someone of a different skin color wants to join we have to give them that chance or else our national chapter would hear about it and shut us down.
Yes I have felt bad beacause of a racial slur someone threw at me, I go to school in detroit. There are numerous racies there. And nine times out of ten it's the black communtiy that complains about being in college or starts throwing around derogatory terms to whites. But let's not bring this down to a black vs. white thing here. there were many races mentioned on that post. and besides, it was all in good fun.
And although I can see where you're coming from considering in Detroit you're the minority, but most places in the U.S. you're not.
Ya misspelled 'spiel.' anti-German doodoohead
(that's what you get for calling me fat)
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