Apr 12, 2006 20:26

Well, here I am to add a little bit of excitement to your week.

Today was rather interesting. Geometry was entirely pointless and yet was enjoyable as (a) conversational period(s). Chorus was rather normal, which is surprising since it never is. English was particularly easy today, since all we did was watch a video on Indians and then listen to people do their speeches.

Lunch was uneventful, except for that people were awed by my ability to quote any scene from Toy Story to the letter. It should be mentioned in here that yesterday's lunch was highly entertaining due to the fact that we spent the whole time trying to stop Catherine from laughing. But I digress.

We had Adams 6th period again today. I don't know why they're switching up the schedules. We watched a movie, "Gettysburg", which I actually think was pretty interesting. I had only gotten into 7th period 2 minutes, though, before Ms. Connell sent me to Options for "climbing on the desks". I justified this with the entirely truthful claim that Josh was attempting to injure me, and my only hope of surviving was by vaulting over the desk. Naturally, I chose life.

Despite this, I managed to enjoy 7th period in Options, where I completed a wordsearch made up entirely of acronyms. All I missed was the Health Fair. After that was Science, and that wasn't particularly entertaining, except that Emily and I finished our awesome drawing of a cell amusement park.

Nothing along the lines of interesting happened after school...

Mom drove me to choir, after which I had to wait for a half an hour for Mom and Dad to finish something at the church. I chose to use my time by sitting up in a tree and writing. Being able to sit and simply write for 30 minutes has given me the desire I need to continue my elf novel. I should do stuff like this more often.

In the end, I leave you with this:

Buzz: Sheriff, this is no time to panic!
Woody: This is a perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone...they're gonna move into the house in two days and it's all your fault!
B: What? My fault? If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...
W: Ohh...yeah? Well if you hadn't come in your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...
B: Don't talk to me about importance! It's because of you that this entire universe is in jeopardy!
W: What? What are you talking about?
B: Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg is secretly building a weapon, with the destructive capacity to destroy this entire planet! I alone have information that leads to his weapon's only weakness.
And you my friend, are responsible for my delay in rendezvous with Star Command!
W: YOU...ARE...A...TOOOOOOOOOOY! You're not the real Buzz Lightyear, you're...you're an action figure! You...are a child's plaything!
B: You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity. Farewell!
W: Oh yeah? Well good riddance, ya looney!
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