Feb 24, 2005 00:05
so erin said in one of her entries that shes needs some chearing up so i posted the following comment to chear her up:
I GOT A PICKLES STUCK IN MY ARS!! how the hell did it get in there?!?!
i have no idea!!!
my G-d i think its talking to me ,eww it bit me!!1
:-D hope i made u laugh~ i know the pickle found it amusing
love ya babes ~L~
look what this short comment lead to .....O DEAR!!!!
~this convo has been edited 4 the perpuse of it taking up less space....OK?!~
(btw inorder 4 u to get thie----> i have like a billian sn{not xageratin at all} and on one i have a hyper monkey icon n on the otha i got a shaking ars, ull get it when its used in the convo)
deco: OMG i had SUCH a good entry for today and fucking LJ froze and it went byebye
deco: and i'm soo pissed!
deco: kjhewruiewnbfew!
me: did my comment chear u up?>
deco: im' reading
deco: my comp is slower than a prairie dog
deco: atcuauly a dangle berry
deco: WTF! what a waste of a perfectly good pickle sticking it in your arse!
kakafu4ever: i thought it was funny
deco: now it will taste baaaad
deco: it was!
me: he jumped in my ass
deco: he jumped?
deco: how the hell to pickles 'jump'
deco: i thought they boing
deco: like this:
deco: boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing
me: ya he boinged
deco: awesome!
me: my icon is distracting
deco: yes
deco: i like it
kakafu4ever: its like da damn monkey just had like 1000 cups of coffe
deco: or bc there is 397489327542 pickles up his ass
deco: you keep switching back and forth
me: i know
deco: ahh you keep confusing me12
me: may b i have like 532452345 pickles up my ass
deco: WHOA
me: haha!!
deco: hahaha
me: i didnt think of that!
deco: i know
deco: but i did
me: i gots u undermy skin
deco: your'e under my skin?
deco: you're a tick
deco: eww
deco: i neesd to burn you off
kakafu4ever: WHAT/>!?
deco: you blood suck btich
deco: haha
deco: okay
deco: ignore TAHt
kakafu4ever: ok
deco: ticks go under your skin
deco: and suck ur blood
me: blooooddddd blloooodddd!!! i like blood!!
me: its perdy
deco: and give you lime disease and you die
deco: you're trying to kill me /
me: ok then....
me: nooooooo =-Oim shocked that u think i would
deco: shocked?
deco: SHOCKED?
deco: nuh-uh girlfriend! you did NOT just go there
me: wtf?
me: im lost
deco: me too
deco: where did we get lost
deco: folow the bread crumbs
deco: lalalalalalala
deco: lalalalala
deco: hahaahash. im' cracking myself up for some reasno
deco: how many Sns do you have
deco: 5?
me: more
deco: whoa
deco: thgat's a lot
deco: for a little girl
me: it keeps things interesting
me: i aignt lil bitch
me: :-D
deco: you suck. LITERALLY.
deco: ohhhhhhhh
deco: elinor just got dissed
~~~mean while on my otha sn BIGfatASS, WHICH HAS AN ICON OF A DUDE SHAKING HIS BEAR ARS~~~
deco: shake yo' ass
deco: come on
deco: left right left right
me: haha
deco: eww. UGLY SHOES
deco: (and you're thinkg, erin, why the hell are you looking at his shoes when you SHOULD be looking at his ass)
me: hes wearing shoes?
deco: sandals
deco: from israel
me: where did u get that from
deco: OMFG. if you ut ur fingers over his legs so you can't see and you turn your head upside down, he looks like a fucking penis!
deco: or at least testicles
deco: mhm
deco: bc you're israeli. durr
deco: ^^^READ^^^
BIGfatA5S I3: it does!!!
me: thast helerious
deco: DURRRRRR!!!!!
me: im so not surprised u were the 1 to c that
deco: mhmmmm
deco: O:-)
deco: so what do you wanna talk about, miss i have a penis-shaped ass when you turn me upside-down?
me: i do?!?!
me: i thought my icon did thats atotall diff story!!
deco: idk. doy ou?
deco: i need to check that out tomorrow
deco: yes, your icon does. but i need to see if you do tomorrow
deco: im Jking
deco: where has my sexxy canadian israeli gone??
deco: you're in the butt, aren't you?
me: naw
me: my eyes hurt aww1!!
deco: from the poop going in your eyes? or the acids that have built up in your stomach and your intestinal track?
me: niether
deco: ? then from what?
deco: from reading
me: ya
deco: are you eyeballs gonna pop out of your head and go into the computer screen which will then cause you to become electrocuted?
deco: AWW, noo!
~~~ the one thin i learned from this convo is.......................................pickles make ur ass look big!!!:-D~~~
~~love you pickles!!!~~