Feb 13, 2007 20:47
I swear I must have spent at least half an hour making my way through all the styles to give my LJ a face lift. God love you, Paid Accounts. It's an embarrassment of riches, I tell you. Also, god bless Firefox and its spell check feature. I cannot spell today. It's horrifying.
I wish the Valentine's Day theme was available all year 'round. The top of my LJ user page is looking quite sweet.
Is there anything on TV tonight? I feel like I only ever bother to watch TV on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and then SNL if I'm not too tired.
Chicken nuggets and macaroni for dinner. Meatball sub on garlic bread for breakfast. I have so much good food in the house it's riduckulous. You see what I did there? I altered the word "ridiculous" by spontaneously incorporating the word "duck" with the express purpose of making "ridiculous" sound, in turn, ridiculous! HAHAHAHA Oh, my word. I am a cut up! Everyone in the office says so. They call me things like ZANY and KOOKY. Oh, for fun. Good times, good times.
Speaking of ducks, did you know ducks like to sit in trees? I did not know this. Until I saw them doing it. My bus goes by Florida Community College at Jacksonville's Kent Campus and they have a nice little pond near the bus hub where a large number of ducks have decided to gather. And they sit in the tree. One day I am going to take a picture of this. Because it is awesome.
How many times are they going to air these To Catch a Predator programs? Yes. We get it. You like diddling little boys. Every once in a while is fine, but plz for the stopping cramming thz down ma throat, Television. What ever happened to...you know...shows? Like, the ones where they made up stories and then people would act out the stories and we would watch the stories.
Bored bored bored.