Title: Five Places On Earth Teal'c Would Like To Visit
Author: speedy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned Stargate, Daniel and Sheppard would never have clothes on.
Notes: Originally posted in response to a prompt at
1. Rio de Janeiro
South America is one of the only places on Earth not known to be touched by the Goa'uld. And the lure of Carnivale and Copacabana beach cannot be ignored.
O'Neill and Mitchell have offered to accompany him. Repeatedly.
2. Las Vegas
At first, Las Vegas reminded Teal'c of the decadence of the System Lords. However, he quickly learned "Sin City" is not realm of only the false gods, or in the case of Earth, the rich and privileged. Las Vegas open to anyone and everyone and most especially, their money. It is in its own way gaudy and decadent, designed to fuel the senses, and he finds the bright lights and casino games most enticing.
Las Vegas is only a couple hours away from Colorado Springs by airplane. He believes this is "road trip" that Vala may enjoy more than the others.
3. New York
For Teal'c, the City of New York is the epitome of Earth. It is both lavish and destitute, beautiful and ugly, greedy and giving, old and new. Never at rest, always different and exciting, creative and crammed full of things and places that are not found anywhere else in the universe. On a day he remembers well, it was a city that most of the world wept for, and on a day forgotten by most, it was the city where a small boy wept for his dead parents.
He knows he need only ask and Colonel Carter would gladly join him. He wonders if the President could get them the best tickets to Wicked while it is still on Broadway. He is, after all, a diplomat for a foreign nation.
4. Greece
According to Teal'c's understanding of Earth history, The Greek Empire is the foundation for the "western world". It was a world balanced between scholarly pursuits and military power, not unlike the SGC. He is unsure of how they were touched by the Goa'uld, if at all, but he would like to see the monumental buildings that remain.
It is also the land of Daniel Jackson's birth and Teal'c would like his friend to show it to him.
5. Egypt
Egypt is the place where the Goa'uld's domination over humans started and, though indirectly, ended. It is also a place of mysticism and religious devotion Teal'c understands. Through Daniel Jackson, he has seen images of the grand temples that came after the Goa'uld, the pyramids whose true purpose was lost, the lavish hidden tombs of the pharaohs. So much has survived the ages, a testament to those who first stood up to the false gods. It gives him hope that the culture he grew up with will survive the destruction of the Goa'uld.
When he gets the chance to go, he wants all of SG-1, old and new, to be with him.