Why can't it always be like this?

Apr 19, 2005 14:16

i have been having a loverly past few days thanks for asking. here's a quick overview:

saturday => Drewan and I rode our bikes to a tennis court and then we played for a couple hours.  then we got back and i went for a refreshing 4ish mile run with Kat.  fun times fun times.  that night, i watched Envy w/ the fam and then talked to jeff...one good thing about not going on the cruise is that i didn't hafta be at the airport at 4:15 AM like them. haha suckas.

sunday => We went to church, then out to breakfast, and then we hit the road for lovely Cape Cod. we got there at about 11ish, and we went mini-golfing, then we went to the beach, we had some nachos, and then watched Fever Pitch.  it was such a GREAT movie! then we went min-golfing again at a different place, and then headed home.  we stopped at Friendly's on the way home for dinner and ice cream, then proceeded to drive home.  we got home late, and went to bed. we even stopped at the hotel that we normally stay at to ask for brochures.  so basically, everything that we normally do in two or three days we did in about 12 hours.  but it was sooooo much fun.

monday => We cleaned a bit, and then the whole family drove to the tennis courts at West, and we played tennis for a while. like a couple hours.  Drewan and i played doubles against our parents, and we had wicked bad rackets, and they had good ones, so we lost.  it was quite embarassing, but then they decided to go for a walk.  so the people playing on another court asked my brother and me if we wanted to play doubles, and we said sure.  yes, these two people that play tennis--one on the West team and the other on the Hendricken team.  so we figured whatever, and played.  we won 3/9 games.  Drewan and i were psyched.  and then one of the kids (who used to be and may still be obsessed w/ me) was like "well..i gtg..i have a date w/ my wicked hott girlfriend." then, when we were like "ok", he was like "i dont think u heard me..i have a DATE w/ my WICKED HOTT girlfriend."  and i was like "we heard u..bye".  and after he left, the kid from hendi was like "he doesnt have a girlfriend..thats weird", and then he asked me if i knew a whole bunch of bva ppl.  Then i ran a couple laps at the track, and we went home and watched The Incredibles.

tuesday => injury fund, and we KICKED BUM even tho we were in the same heat as all the "big dogs".  we came in sixth overall, and got pink ribbons.  funnnnnnn.  and now here i am, and soon i'm gonna do my hw.  fun fun.

well.......homework can't be put off forever.........or can it?

<3 Chrissy Lynn
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