Jan 09, 2005 20:52
[( FIRST )]
First best friend: alicia colozzi
First break-up: never really had one
First screen name: oLiVeDrEwSsIs...although that wasn't even really mine to begin with
First self purchased album: i think everyone's always bought me the cd's i want
First funeral: some person i didnt know, but the first funeral i WISH i'd been to was allyson's <3
First pets: my millions and millions of fishies
First piercing/tattoo: earrings, which are still my only piercings
First credit card: i'll tell you when i get it
First true love: really or just kidding? because if its the second, the list goes on and on
First enemy: jeff deluca
First big trip: storyland! hey, that was big to me way back when!
First music you remember hearing in your house: the muppets christmas album
[( LASTS )]
Last cigarette: never
Last car ride: tonight at like 8
Last kiss: does grampa count?
Last good cry: sometime last week
Last library book checked out: um..i dont remember, but i read the books my brother took out of the library
Last movie seen: Like Mike...now i wanna go play basketball STUFFED LIKE TURKEY
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: a mint
Last crush: J.E.N. (and its not jen, dont worry)
Last phone call: jen (and this time it is jen)
Last time showered: this morning..hah, i'm good!
Last shoes worn: my school shoes
Last item bought: nachos
Last annoyance: andrew!!!!
Last time wanting to die: a few months ago
Last time scolded: this morning
[( f a s h i o n | s t u f f )]
where is your favorite place to shop? i dont know...
any tattoos or piercings? the ears
[( s p e c i f i c s )]
do you do drugs? no..unless xc is a drug, then YES
what kind of shampoo do you use? whatever's on sale
what are you most scared of? mice, snakes, and not being loved
what are you listening to right now? jessica simpson
where do you want to get married? in the randall's backyard on the trampoline on the lake
[( f a v o u r i t e s )]
color: blue or pink
boys' names: alexander, james, ?
girls' names: rose, katrine, cady, cassie, cassandra, ?
subjects in school: chemistry
animals: dogs and kittens (not cats)
sports: CROSS COUNTRY and Track and soccer and basketball
perfume: i dunno...
[( h a v e | y o u | e v e r )]
given anyone a bath? yes...but little kiddies
smoked? nope...unless you count smoking the competition lol
bungee jumped? well, i've attempted it home-made, but really, no
made yourself throw up? no, b/c i have "throw-up-a-phobia"
skinny dipped? nope
ever been in love? so it hought at the time
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? haha..when have i ever NOT
pictured your crush naked? eew..no
actually seen your crush naked? almost
cried when someone died? like whoa
lied: no...ofcoursenot...ok, that was a lie
fallen for your best friend? yupp
rejected someone? indeed
used someone? not on purpose
done something you regret? um..yeah
[( c u r r e n t )]
clothes:jeans, a shirt my aunt gave me, my school shoes, and my XC sweatshirt
music: jessica simpson
make-up: nada
annoyance: andrew..and this b/c i already answered some of these questions
smell: minty
favorite artist: cant name just one
desktop picture: a picture of nick and me at kayla's..i've been meaning to change it.
book your reading: "what my mother doesn't know"
cd in player: jessica simpson
dvd in player: Like Mike
[( l a s t | p e r s o n )]
you touched: drew..giving him a hug goodnight
hugged: TARA
you imed: TARA
you kissed: ...
[( a r e | y o u )]
understanding: i try
open-minded: mhhm
insecure: yeah
interesting: it depends
hungry: not particularly
smart: i'm beginning to wonder...
moody: only w/ madre
hardworking: NO
organized: im an organized mess
healthy: for the most part
shy: around everyone but the people i know best (and its hard for them to believe)
responsible: i'd like to think so
obsessed: OH MY GOD, YES!
angry: not at the moment
sad: not really
disspointed: yeahhhh
happy: content
hyper: not so much
trusting: i try to be
talkative: depends who i'm with
legal: no, but kayla and cara are!
[( w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a )]
slap: ...a particular person...most of the time...
get high with: the xc team..cuz we get high off each other <3
look like: myself
talk to offline: like, so many people
talk to online: like, so many people
[( r a n d o m )]
in the morning i am: ready for a new day
all i need is: xc/track
i dream about: my crush
what do you notice first for guys: whatever i notice first
last person you slow danced with: no one, besides my dad
worst question to ask: i dont know
who makes you laugh the most: my friends
who makes you smile: gabby
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: my crush
who do you have a crush on: J.E.N.
who has a crush on you: you really don't know...maybe PAUL HAMM has a crush on me!
[( d o | y o u | e v e r )]
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: no..i always IM them
save conversations: only ones i find funny/i have problems with
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: when i wanted to be a boy scout
wish you were younger: i really wanna be in first grade again lol.
cry because someone said something to you: maybe when i was younger...
[( n u m b e r )]
of times i have had my heart broken: maybe once, but it was never his to begin with..weird situation
of hearts i have broken: i dont know..but i bet there's just too many to count! ;)
of guys i've kissed: none
of girls i've kissed: none
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: only one REALLY tight, then a whole bunch of select few from different groups and places
of cds i own: i dont know..but most of them are nsync, i think lol
of scars on my body: psh...a million, but only one is from a marshmallow
[( f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s )]
do you like filling these out: this is my first, and i dont think anyone's gonna really read it
gold or silver: silver?
what was the last film you saw at the movies: national treasure, unfortunately
favourite cartoon/anime: i dont know..i dont really like cartoons
what did you have for breakfast this morning: a cinnamon sugar bagel
who would you love being locked in a room with: the cross country team
could you live without your computer: yea, but life wouldn't be very enjoyable
would you colour your hair: if i wanted to
could you ever get off the computer: yeah
habla espanol: oui
how many people are on your buddy list: idk b/c i have many different people on different screen names
drink alcohol: nope
like watching sunrises or sunsets: sunsets..especially on the ocean in cali.
what hurts the most: being unloved.
just filled that out in case any of you were bored. if you read it all, thanx. have a WONDERFUL night, and see y'all tomorrow!
<3 Christina Christina Christina Nelson Nelson (laughed my little christian butt off, tara!)