Aug 05, 2004 21:23
so.. monday night we arrived at the ship. it took FOREVER to get the car onto the boat and actually leave for canada. at dinner i met these two twin boys named Gavin and Ethan. They're 19 and are from Maryland. we talked while we were eating and when i was getting ready to head back to our cabin with my mom they asked me if i wanted to go hang out with them in the lounge. so of course, me being a sucker for the hotties, i went.
since you had to be 18 to drink in canada and im only 17 as soon as we crossed over into canadian waters ethan bought me a drink. i only had one cause i had to go back to see my mom and i figured id have a hard enough time sleepin anyways besides being hung over the next morning.
the next mornin after we got off the boat we went and checked into our hotel.. ethan and gavin were stayin with their family at the same one!! so after i had dropped my stuff off in the room i went and hit up some shoppin' and the beach that was right across the street with them. that night our families went to this dinner theater thing at the hotel.. this kid named Brandon who was actin in the play was basically talkin to me the whole time, ahh.. let's say hes a more muscular, not cross eyed version of seth kolby... come on, now thats hot. it was one of those plays were they enteract with the audience.. so brandon asked me what i was doing after and i told him me, gavin, and ethan were going to check out the hotel bar and invited him along. (i love how you only have to be 18 to buy alcohol)
well in the bar since i was with two 19 year olds and an 18 year old the bartender must of assumed i was 18 too.. cause he let me have WHATEVER i wanted.. and lemme tell you.. i had alot. haha. not enough to get TOO drunk though.. and then i went back to my room and slept.
wednesday me and my mom went to the mall and bought me stuff and then i came back to the hotel and woked out in the hotel gym and also went swimmin in the hotel pool. after me, gavin, and ethan all ate out at wendys.. (i would of died if they didnt have a wendys in canada).. and just chilled around back at the hotel.
this morning we all got back on the boat to head back home.. it too ELEVEN hours to go from nova scotia to portland, ME.. and all i did the WHOLE time was lay around in my cabin, eat the day buffet with gavin and ethan, and then lay around some more.. so i basically slept about 9 hours today.. and im STILL tired. wow.. am i pathetic or what?
spencer has also been on since ive been home but i IMed him and he hasnt talked to me back.. :-\ so im hopin hes just away from the computer watchin wrestlin and isnt ignoring me.. but whatever if he is. this is life and im sick of sweatin the small stuff.. i cant wait till im 18 and i can take it more apon myself to find fun stuff to do and new things to experience. im so glad i went to canada because i had never been out of the US before.. and now i can say i have.
i guess ashley wentworth and allison are sayin we should all play fieldhockey everyday.. 8-10AM.. well conciderin im usually the one luggin allison's dumb butt around and ashley hardly went to the other ones.. we'll see home long this lasts. but im going to get my stuff together so i can hit that shit up tomorrow. ahhh.. i love field hockey!
i think thats it for now though.. ill add more if i remember anythin.