Jan 07, 2007 00:18

Please check out the voting rules for this past challenge here

Fics that do not have a lj cut by the time voting ends will not be eligible.

Here's your next challenge ONE DAY CHALLENGE:).

You must include ALL of the following elements:

A livejournal cut is essential. I know I've been saying this an awful lot lately, but it is super important.For those of you who do not know how to make a lj cut <*lj-cut> YOUR STORY GOES HERE <*/lj-cut> Simply remove the *'s when posting.

1) This form in the beginning
Word Count:
Rating: Genre:
Special Thanks:

2 ) Your challenge is to write fic where Mark makes a 'huge mistake'

- this 'mistake' can be anything you wish. It may be a real mistake, or a mistake in Mark's eyes

3)You may write for any RENT characters. NO ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. NO CROSSOVERS

4) Your fic may be Pre-RENT, during RENT or Post RENT

5)You MUST write a new story for this contest. Previously written stories are not accepted. Submissions will be kept secret until after the voting. Then the fics will be posted:)

6) Your story MUST be POSTED IN IT'S OWN POST HERE no later than 11:59PM EST on Sunday, January 7.

7) The prize for 1st place, will be from THE BIG DAMN PRIZE LIST. You may comment to this post if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions, but please post your story as it's own post behind a lj cut. The LJ cut is essential.

If you have any questions, please email me at or ask them here. Also, if you guys have any other suggestions for prizes, let me know. I am always looking for more stuff to add to the BIG DAMN PRIZE LIST. Whoever donates to the BIG DAMN PRIZE LIST will get complete credit for their gift to our group. I am pretty much a poor, starving artist, but I welcome suggestion:):)


challenge 289, management

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