Challenge Entry

Jan 11, 2006 17:12

Title: Cellophane Sun
Author: Len
Feedback: Is welcome
Pairing: Mark/Roger
Word Count: 1, 361
Rating: PG-13 (Roger swears a bit)
Genre: Romance/humor
Summary: Mark and Roger watch the sunset
Notes: Adam Pascal song used is Cellophane Sun. Lyrics are bolded wheee
Special Thanks: Everyone and anyone?
Spoilers: Not really.
Warnings: Implied homosexuality. And the teasing of cows.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rent, although I wish I did.

I don't know why I'm reading this book. I don't read, and I don't care about the Wicked Witch of the West's horrible misspent youth. But when Mark had thrown it at me today I guess I just kind of took an interest to it. Even if it was to pass the endless minutes as my watch hand moved ever slowly. Damn time, always seeming to stop when you didn't want it too. Why couldn't it stop when Mimi was happy and healthy, why did I have to find myself here two years later alone? Time sucked.

It was the middle of summer and fearing I was going to melt, I left the stuffy loft in hope of finding cooler breezes in the park. Yes that's right, I Roger Davis was sitting in the park under a tree reading a book. Oh how would they all react if they saw this now? I could only imagine the jokes that would ensue about my literacy. Bastards. I didn't even know where they all were today anyway. Mark had left a post it, which I think was from today, it said he was going to work and would be back later. Whenever later was. I hardly saw Mark anymore, which didn't please me in the least. I needed Mark and well I thought he needed me. Maybe I was wrong.

I checked my watch again; Benny had gotten it for me last year claiming I was always late. I was late because I was delaying the inevitable, not because I didn't know what time it was well who cares I got a free watch out of it. It was Benny's loss, and guess what, I was still late. Anyway it was getting late and the cellophane sun was hanging low. Cellophane sun... I needed to remember that for when I got back to my guitar.

"Roger?" I heard a muffled laugh. Great. Looking up I realized happily that it was one of the people I could at least stand. "What on earth are you doing in the park?" A camera was whirring happily as the filmmaker watched me hold up the book. "Hey that's my book!"

"Yea and it's boring." I said smirking into the camera. Mark just sighed and stopped the camera. Here it was a speech on my uncultured way of life.

"Then why are you reading it?" Wait. No speech? Blinking confused I looked up at him. Why was I reading this book, I never did figure it out. I just had kind of taken it with me.

"I needed something to do." I lied slyly. I knew immediately that Mark didn't believe me in the least but he just nodded smiling. "Why are you out here anyway? I thought you were at work." Now the spotlight was on Mark. I had a point, I was pretty sure he was supposed to be at work, and I was also sure that the park wasn't work.

"I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game." Mark said with a sudden raging undertone. I stared, Mark was hardly this well... angry. He sat down beside me and put his camera down. "Filming what others want me to doesn't really feel right. I should be filming what I want when I want." I watched as he ruffled his blond hair and cranked the camera a bit, "I quit. There's something better out there for me, I know it."

"You're having delusions of grandeur." I laughed a little and leaned against the tree looking up at the sun. "You're lucky my band is doing better then." Smirking I looked over to him and handed him five dollars, "Well Mark Merry Christmas. Now sit and tell Santa what he's gonna have to stand in line for this year."

"Roger it's August." He looked over at me obviously not as amused as I was. Still he took the money and pocketed it. I chuckled and smiled.

"I know but Santa has to start shopping early." Mark glared at me and then got up.

"I still have money saved up jack ass. What time is it?" I checked my watch wondering where Mark had to be in such a rush. It was just past eight, raising an eyebrow I looked up at him.

"It's eight, why?" Mark just grinned a little at me. I just watched him; Mark was up to something. Something good I hoped, I was sick of something bads.

"Take my hand and hide your eyes." Standing up I held Mark's book in one hand and took his with my other.

"Well okay. As long as you don't drag me out into the bush and rape me." I joked and saw Mark make a face at me before I closed my eyes. I always teased Mark about having a big boyish crush on me, but in the end I think I was teasing him to hide the fact that when Mark wasn't looking I was taking in the sights of well... Mark. He really was attractive I don't know how Maureen moved to Joanne from him so easily.

"Just shut up and follow me." Mark laughed a little as he led me through the park. I heard what sounded like a gate opening and suddenly the stink of some sort of barn animal.

"I swear if this is a set up Mark I'm going to beat your ass so hard." I could hear him laugh again as he walked. Oh great, he found this humorous. I should just open my eyes, but we weren't there yet and I'd probably ruin whatever it was good or bad.

"You know I was worried I would have had to watch this from the roof with you. I didn't think it would be so easy to get you out here." What one earth was he talking about?

"Yea well I'm full of surprises. Like a happy meal." I said sarcastically. Mark laughed at this and then we stopped. I could still smell the barn animal but the stench has subsided a little, or I was just used to it now. "Where the hell are we?" I said wrinkling my nose.

"Well open your eyes and see!" Mark was grinning, I could tell by the tone of his voice. Slowly I opened my eyes and rubbed them a little. Well there was the stink, to my left there was a cow looking brainless and confused as to why we were standing in its yard. Who keeps a cow in New York?

"You brought me here to see a cow?" I was still staring at it. The poor animal didn't look that smart, like it's only mission in life were to dissolve grass into shit. Suddenly I felt a bit happier with my place in the food chain, and society. I heard Mark sigh and looked over to him, leaving the cow forgotten.

"Not the cow Roger. Look!" He pointed towards the western skies and I half expected to see Elphaba fly by or something. What ever Mark was pointing out I still didn't get it. I looked at him blankly and the filmmaker sighed at me, I really missed something didn't I. "The sunset Roger!"

"The sunset?" I blinked and looked back to the west. The sky was smeared with orange and red the colors blending and mingling together. It reminded me of those oil paintings you see for sale from the street vendors, you know the ones that you think could never exist in reality. "Wow." I said not really sure what to say.

"It's really beautiful." Mark said smiling as he gave my hand a little squeeze. Wait, Mark was still holding my hand. I smiled looking to him, now in every romance movie every made this is where they'd say something retarded like 'not half as beautiful as you' and let me tell you it was a tempting urge. Instead I just offered him a warm smile.

"You're right." I agreed and looked towards the sun set again, "The setting of the cellophane sun."

"That's poetic." We both just laughed standing hand in hand. I started to think back to my hatred of time and smiled to myself. As long as I was here with Mark time didn't seem to be so bad.

challenge 3

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