Oct 10, 2007 02:25
Started over the summer I now have 5 chapters and a prologue completed of this story (6 parts in total.). The Slash does not appear until a few chapters in. I hope you all enjoy this. By the way, thank you for creating this community. :)
I will post chapter one tonight also, though I may have to break it up into separate parts as it is the longest chapter as of yet. The reason is that LJ has it out for me and dislikes long entries. It worked. LJ decided to agree with me for once...SHOCKING! :)
Title: Eclipse
Author: Victoria
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Summary: People’s lives crash and collide everyday and no one ever pays it any heed. Yet sometimes they eclipse over each other in the most unusual ways and you can’t help but sit up and take notice.
Soon to be slash
Rating: PG-13
Beta: My biffle, Lauren, the ever-helpful Travis (Pro-Chap one.). Overseen and poked by Beck and chapter two beta-ed by her.
Reviews: Keep me writing. Don't be afraid to poke me for more. It gives me incentive to write.
My first memory is with a man I don’t recognize. We’re in a park and it’s snowing; winter lightly descending from the sky in fluffy puffs. The skin stretches on my face; I’m smiling. From the corners of my eyes I can see a blue hood pulled up over my head. It blocks my vision like horse blinders.
I’m swinging, my feet darting back and forth as I pump myself higher. I had just learned how to swing by myself. I don’t know how I know this, but I do. I can feel the pride swell up in my belly like a balloon. I love being able to do things by myself. I’m a big boy now.
“I don’t need you! I can do it! I can do it!”
“I know kiddo! Just don’t let go!”
Higher I go, as high as my little legs will take me. I know not to let go. Letting go means I’ll fall out of the swing like Andrew did and get a boo-boo.
For the life of me as I remember this I can’t seem to place who Andrew was. I just know I needed to hang on, to not fall. It’s a carnal instinct, something you’re born with. Like when someone attacks you and you fight back, digging your nails into their skin. This way, even if you die, there’s that bit of DNA to-at least-save your memory.
The higher I swing the more afraid I become. It’s too high and I can’t keep my eye on the man anymore. He’s my horizon and I’m on a boat. If I lose sight of him I may become sick.
My panic rises, and I let go of the chain and reach for him, the instinct for comfort overriding the need to be safe. A human flaw of emotion.
“You need to hang on kiddo!” He urges me, but it’s too late. Falling from the swing I land on the earth with force and break out in tears, sobbing and clinging to the man. Nothing is broken but the shock of it hurts more than any physical pain could ever.
“It’s okay kiddo, it’s all right. You’re okay, nothing broken.” He lifts me in his arms and rocks me back and forth, “We all fall sometimes kiddo, all of us, don’t worry.” He has red hair and blue eyes. His face shows aged wrinkles and laugh lines. It’s like a map, showing me the way to his years and wisdom. Unfortunately there’s no compass to show me which way is up. I look up to his face and am momentarily blinded by the sun sneaking through the clouds. “We all fall once and a while Kiddo, ‘happens to the best of us.”
We do, don’t we?
author: jaded_fae,
rating: pg13