Jun 15, 2007 02:37
i havent written here in forever
a lot of shit has been going on.
nothing is the same but the only thing you can really count on is change. the only constant. the only right prediction.
my mind has melted into its own form. no longer molded by others.
i am everything i never wanted to be. i am everything i dreamed of.
a mess. a movie. a typical kid.
far from normal but the abnormalities push me closer to being just the same.
i am a drunk. i admit it.
i am homeless. for the third time in a year i have gotten kicked out of somewhere.
my family is no longer talking to me. im scum to them now.
im going nowhere too fast.
i dont sleep. i dont eat enough and when i do its poorly.
drugs. booze. is everything.
i like a boy i never thought i would like.
its always the people you least exepct that you end up liking the most.
and with him, there's too much in common for me to pass it by like nothing. its hard thats all.