Fic: No Place For You Anymore 6/?

Nov 12, 2011 17:33

Title: Fic: No Place For You Anymore 6/?
Author: speechless16
Rating: NC17 for this chapter (barn!sex, voyeurism, swearing, Noah bashing, unbetaed)
Pairings: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything though I wish I did.
Authors Note: I'm sorry for the long delay with updates! Seriously, if you remembered this story, I'm shocked.
I honestly don't think anyone really remembers this story! But previous chapters can be found in my journal.
Chapter 6: Um, barn sex. Bonus of Noah stuck in a horse stall with nowhere to go but stay there.

Quick story summary: Noah has returned to Oakdale after flunking out of college in LA (and is broke) but is not going to mention that to people. He has one goal in life now: to get Luke Synder again. Noah cut of all contact with everyone so has no idea what has been going on since his absense. He still expects Luke to be waiting for him but of course, that is not what he finds. Luke and Reid are in a committed relationship and still very much in love. However, this is Noah after all and is not going to give up.

Noah was like a deer caught in headlights as he heard Luke giggling and Reid repeating that he missed Luke so fucking much and needed to fuck him, like right now.

Noah was panicking. Should he make himself known or just hope and pray that all Reid wanted was a blowjob because that was all him and Luke did (though let the record show, they did go all the way a lot! Ok maybe that was a lie but still!). So now Luke was just going to return the favor and this whole disaster could end, but sadly God wasn’t listening to Noah’s prayers but instead had a twisted sense of humor because he wanted Reid and Luke to go all the fucking way.

“Oh my god Reid I need you so fucking much. You don’t even know how much I jerked off thinking of you.”

“Fuck, Luke! How the hell did you get these pants on? Oh dear god, you aren’t wearing underwear. That’s so hot.”

All Noah wanted was for them to keep clothes on because naked was bad, very bad. However, sounds of moaning and gasps were heard as it seemed Luke did get his tighter-than-sin pants off.

“Nghhhh- I wanted your mouth on my cock so bad Reid so damn bad. Shit, I'm already gonna come.”

“Don’t come until my cock is in your ass and I'm filling you up, making your ass stretch for me. Oh god, my cum will be so warm inside you and-“

“Don’t talk and just fuck me!”

“Oh god Luke I missed you so much. Your mine! Only mine.”

“I'm yours always. God I need more. Harder Reid. I need to feel you so bad.”

Noah couldn’t help it. He was half hard in his pants just hearing the dirty talk. Luke never talked dirty to him so this was a whole other side of him. This kind of talk always seemed gross and embarrassing to Noah so why was his body responding? Of course Noah didn’t know when dirty talk would have come up in their relationship much because honestly, Noah probably wouldn’t have known what to say or to even respond back. So maybe it was for the best that never happened. However, Noah couldn’t help but hate Reid more than before because this was another first that Reid had took from Noah.

But enough of that, Noah was thrown out of his reminiscing as an extremely loud grunt interrupted his musings. Some weird part of him needed to see Luke naked even it was with Reid. To justify this, Noah told himself he wanted to make sure Reid didn’t hold any competition and wouldn’t hinder Noah’s mission appropriately titled, Operation: Get Boyfriend Back from the Asshat Doctor.

Taking a deep breath and repeating “courage” over in his head, he was able to ignore the little voice in his head screaming at him to plug his ears and just rock back and forth in the corner and try to ignore the sex sounds.

But why would Noah listen to a logical conscience to begin with? Ignoring it hasn’t led him wrong yet if you ignore the whole don’t play with fireworks because you are NOT in any way a professional nor have any idea what the fuck you’re doing!!! Or this voice that always said: don’t push Luke away! He is the best thing you sad excuse for a human will ever have.  So, ignoring this voice as usual, he crouched up to the large crack that connects the stall door to the post and finally was able to see them.

What Noah saw took his breath away again and made him want to scream at the same time.

Luke was on his back with Reid thrusting into him. Luke kept reaching up and catching Reid for a kiss while Reid was jerking Luke off. Noah felt so sick watching this but Luke had never been this passionate before. It was like he was someone else. And since when did Luke give dirty talk but actually give so much dirty talk? Noah rarely heard Luke ever so vocal or so crude before.

“Fuck Reid. So close. God I need it. Give me more. Stretch me with your cock and fill me up.  Come for me Reid, I want to feel your cum in my ass.”

“What do you want me to do after that,” Reid asked in a husky voice.

“And then I want your tongue in my ass, licking it out. Baby fuck-“Luke answer with gasping breaths that Noah was barely able to hear in his hiding spot.

With that Luke climaxed with a loud scream and Reid followed soon after with a load groan that echoed around in the still of the barn. Reid fell on top of Luke and both of them just laid there in a panting, sweaty mess.

“I love you so much Reid.”

“I love you too. So fucking much.”

That made Noah’s heart stop and then slowly resume its panicked beating. He thought that all they had was purely lust but now he just heard the exchange of ‘I love yous.’ What was worse is he was sure that they actually meant them. No matter, Noah was still getting Luke back and this was just a minor bump.

And oh dear merciful god in heaven what were they doing now?

No matter that they already just had one round, Reid flipped Luke around onto his stomach and immediately went to Luke's ass and began to lick his hole.

This had Luke pushing his ass onto Reid’s face and begging him for me. Luke’s back was arching and his broad hands were making fists in the blanket they were laying on. Luke was begging for more as Reid was making moans of contentment and his hands were gripping Luke’s hips so hard it was definitely going to bruise. Noah could see Reid’s tongue run around in circles around Luke’s entrance and then without warning would bite down hard on Luke’s ass, then soothe it with his tongue.

This time Noah was disgusted. Luke at one time asked Noah what he thought of someone’s tongue down there and Noah said it was disgusting and simply Luke agreed and dropped the subject. But apparently Luke’s mind was changed now because he was putting up no fight at all and by his wanton moans and gasps, he was enjoying the hell out of it.

Noah closed his eyes, completely shocked. Is that why they were still together? Reid does all these gross things to Luke because he had never experienced them before? Noah always knew Luke liked sex but he thought Luke liked it too much to be healthy. There is nothing wrong with snuggling on a couch watching a movie without it being sexual. Luke however, would always try and jump him, by trying to make out or give him a blow job and Noah always had to evade his advances.

When Noah reopened his eyes, he wished he just kept them shut. Why hadn’t he listened to that smart voice in his head before? Oh right, he never had before so why start now.

They were having sex again (really? Once wasn’t enough?) and Luke was topping! What the hell? Luke can top Reid? Noah never allowed Luke to top him (then again, they only had sex like twice and one time consisted of them jumping on the bed. But their shirts were off. Yah, that’s right. Shirts were off bitches!) but here Reid was begging for it. He had his legs wrapped around Luke's waist and was lifting himself off the ground with his head thrown back in ecstasy. Luke was jerking off Reid while sucking on his neck.

Noah couldn’t take this and plugged his ears however, not before he heard Reid growl, “harder!” All Noah could do was to keep wishing he never came back to Oakdale.


After both had climaxed, Luke started to complain about being sticky and smelling of sex so Reid quickly proposed ‘washing’ each other off at the pond. As soon as they walked out, giggling like teenagers, Noah waited awhile to make sure the coast was clear and took off back towards the house like a fucking ninja.

Back inside he hastily went to the bathroom upstairs and locked the door. He looked in the mirror and saw his red flushed face and could still feel his hard cock in his pants. He hadn’t had a good lay in so long (he was waiting for Luke, duh) so he grabbed his cock and slowly started to stroke it.

He was so close to coming by picturing Luke naked and spread out on a bed with his legs spread, whispering in a seductive tone for Noah to fuck him. But then it was ruined as Reid suddenly appeared in his fantasy and was the one fucking Luke while staring at Noah with that smirk on his face. Immediately his cock went limp and all Noah wanted to do was sob as he still heard the echoes of Luke’s release replaying in his head. Reid once again took something away from Noah.

After cleaning up the best he could, Noah went back downstairs to see it was a mostly empty house. He didn’t realize he was in the barn that long watching a sex marathon. Noah saw Lily standing by the window so he went to talk to her. To be honest, he was pissed at her. She could’ve warned him for this.

“Lily,” Noah started, “why didn’t you tell me about Reid?”

Lily gazed at him with sad eyes and just sighed. “Noah sweetie, I tried to tell but you were so persistent and wouldn’t let me finish. And I guess part of me just didn’t want to be the one that had to break the news to you and hurt you. You could have known if you kept in touch.”

Noah’s answer of “Well it’s hard being successful because you have no time for anything” was stopped when Luke and Reid entered the house again. They cleaned up pretty well Noah had to say but it was still obvious they just fucked. ‘In a barn no less,’ Noah mused. ‘Without a fucking condom to add!  I thought Reid was a doctor, hence follow the rules on safe sex.’

Emma, of course, already had containers full of food for Reid to take home so after Reid hugged her (Reid hugs people?) and told her he wanted to marry her but sadly he was gay and taken, took the things to his car. This was Noah’s chance he realized. Luke was kind of alone now.

Just as Noah was about to step forth, Holden came out of nowhere and led Luke into an empty room. Noah crept nearer out of sight and heard the conversation. It really seemed like all Noah did now was eavesdropping but how else was he supposed to find things out?

“Luke, I wanted ask how Malta went. Is everything good with Damien?” Holden asked with worry in his voice.

“Yah dad, everything went great! We hired some new people who are simply amazing and Damien is good. He’s recovering remarkably and doesn’t even need to use his cane that much. “

“I never thought I would say this but I'm glad he’s doing well. After what he did for you, he will always be in my debt. Saving your life like that?” Holden said in a voice that was filled with emotion.

“Dad, you have to stop blaming yourself. You weren’t there. How could you have known there was a crazy person with a gun at Memorial? A lot of good came out of that and you know it. Damien saved my life by taking a bullet for me.” Luke gave a little laugh and said, “It also made me and Reid grow so much closer.”

“I know son. Speaking of Reid, he missed you a lot this week. He even turned down Emma’s brownies the second day you were gone. And then he willingly came over and hung out with the kids which they loved, especially Ethan. He’s a good guy no matter how much he tries to hide it. I’m glad you found each other.”

“That sounds like the guy I love,” Luke said with a smile in his voice.

Their moment was cut short when Reid came back inside and yelled, “Luke! We have to go home right now. I’m taking tomorrow off so we can stay in bed! So come on lets go.”

Luke and Holden walked out the room. “Wow, Reid you will take a day off for that but not when I ask you?” Luke said, rolling his eyes. “Well bye dad. I love you.”

“I love you too son, I’ll see you tomorrow, or not if Reid has his way,” Holden said laughing.

Whoa. Noah couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sex talk in public! Virgin ears people! Virgin ears.

“Alright, enough of the fluff, it’s boring. Let’s go. Bye good dad and all. Bye Emma, I’ll come back when I run out of food.”

“Ahem,” Lily said before Reid grabbed Luke caveman style and dragged him off to his cave to have his wicked way. “Forgetting something?”

With a painful sigh, Reid trudged towards Lily and gave her a hug that was mainly just an air hug. Luke couldn’t stop laughing as he gave Lily a kiss on the cheek before Reid finally yanked him out of the house.

And with that they left the house and Noah was forgotten about in the corner. Again.

A/N: So first of all, I know it has been FOREVER since I updated. I didn’t forget about this story but it was just I was unsure where to go after this chapter (still am) and there has been some personal issues in my life that needed to be resolved. So, this got pushed back until I ever found the time to pick it up again. I almost decided to just stop it altogether but I hate to leave things unfinished so bam. I'm trying again but no promises. This chapter was put together so damn fast so I hope there isn't too many mistakes...
Also, I'm not in any way an expert on writing all things smut so if it came off a little… unsexy? I'm sorry! Just go with it please. :D
-Whoa. Long author note is long. I apologize!

rooftop!luke, atwt, luke/reid, fic: no place for you anymore, noah who?

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