Fic: No Place For You Anymore 2/?

Jun 23, 2011 14:05

Title: Fic: No Place For You Anymore 2/?
Author: speechless16 
Rating: PG 13 (angst, swearing, Rooftop!Luke)
Pairings: Luke/Reid
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything though I wish I did.
Summary: Noah’s POV. Noah comes back to Oakdale after a year in L.A. expecting Luke to still be waiting for him. He is in for a surprise as he realizes Reid is still very much there and involved with Luke and there is no place for Noah anymore. No train!
Authors Note: Thank you all for liking the story!
-This originally was supposed to be a little one-shot but the characters wouldn’t shut up and it became this long monster. So, I have to break it up into short segments and will post a new chapter hopefully everyday.

Noah stepped out of the car and made his way to the door of the Lilypad. As he raised his hand and knocked three loud times on the wood, he realized that this was the same spot he stood as he watched Luke practically maul Dr. Oliver. If Luke hadn’t seen Noah at the last minute, they probably would have sex on the floor or the couch. Which was so disgusting because why would he make out with someone where anyone could see? That’s just another reason why he hated the asshole doctor. He made Luke completely disregard any thoughts about public decency because all he wanted to do was defile Luke.

Noah’s long tirade of why he hated Dr. Oliver was quickly stopped as the door flung open and Lily’s eyes met Noah. Lily gasped dramatically and practically squealed so loud it made dogs wince in pain and grabbed him in a bone-crunching, bosom rubbing hug, while still squealing. Seriously, if she didn’t stop Noah would go deaf and that is not something he wanted to go around saying “yah well once I was blind and then a year later I was deaf!” Though it would be an excellent conversion starter, he still didn’t want to be deaf.

After what was an hour later, Lily let Noah go and yanked him inside the house, firing rapid questions about ‘was he hungry? thirsty? tired?’ before pushing him into a chair at the table in the kitchen and shoving a glass of milk and a plate of cookies at him. After she finally calmed down enough she sat down with Noah.

“Noah! Oh my god Noah! I just can't believe you are here! I have been so worried about you all alone in L.A. with no one and then you changed your number and that made me worry more and oh my gosh, you never responded to my emails or anything which of course, made me worry more but now that you are here so tell me everything.“ Lily finally took a deep breath and calmly waited for Noah to explain himself.

It took some time but Noah did convince her that yes, he was fine, he was just taking a break from school because it's so hard being a filmmaker and he didn’t have time to contact her because he was pouring everything into being the best. Lily sat there and absorbed every word like a freaking sponge and a smile that seemed to be stuck permanently on her face.

After she was satisfied with his answers, Lily then began regaling Noah about tales from Oakdale (and yes, most of them was about someone being kidnapped, killed and coming back to life, or something that only happens in Oakdale) as Noah nibbled on his chocolate chip cookies. There was one big thing that Noah couldn’t help but notice.

One gigantic thing. Dr. Oliver was never mentioned. Or Luke for that matter but Lily was most likely being respectful by not bringing up a very painful subject for them both. Noah could feel something like hope begin to blossom in his chest and slowly spread throughout his body.

“So Lily,” Noah said, interrupting her compelling story about how she and Holden almost got married again but then she cheated on him again or something. “Where is Luke right now?” It had been two hours since Noah arrived and Luke didn’t have a real job anyways so he basically was always home at this time.

“Oh Luke!” Lily gave a fake laugh as if she actually forgot about her son. “He’s actually not here. He will be back on Wednesday though. Right now he is in Malta of all places with Damien, (oh he’s out of jail! I forgot to mention that) and they are expanding the shipping company.” Of course Lily said Damien’s name like someone would describe a pulsing ulcer on an ankle which clearly meant that she disapproved of Luke being involved with him again. But then again, it’s Luke and he is naïve. The only good news is that Noah can help pick up the pieces after Damien does something bad again.

“Oh, well I was planning on seeing him again. The last time we talked was…“ Noah searched for an appropriate word, “an unpleasant experience for both of us.”

Lily looked nervous and she replied with far less vigor, “Well Noah, I don’t think that’s such a good idea… There’s something you should know-“

“It’s ok Lily. Luke will be thrilled to see me again! But hey, can I crash here? I don’t have any mone- um you know I really miss you and the family and when Luke comes back we can spend more time together,” Noah said.

He was already picturing Luke’s surprise when he walks through the door only to find Noah calmly sitting on the couch. He will run over and wrap his arms around Noah and have tears of joy running down his face. Then, after Luke says he’s sorry for not contacting Noah, pushing him away, and getting it on with Reid… Noah will take him back. Lily will be thrilled and Noah can stay in Oakdale and-

His daydream was cut off by Lily again trying to tell him something. “Noah sweetie, you need to understand that Luke won’t be here at all-“

“Yah I know not until Wednesday but that’s okay. I can wait.”

Again Lily looked nervous as she simply replied, “Sure. You can have the guest bedroom down the hall. I’ll get it ready for you. In the meantime, it’s almost dinner time at the farm and Emma would love to see you again, so why don’t you go say hey and have a bite to eat?”

Noah didn’t understand what she was trying to do of course. He had no idea what was awaiting him at the farm besides his old family.


Well if seeing Lily again was awkward, it was even more awkward back at the farm. While he was received warmly by Emma, everyone was loved by her anyways; the kids didn’t seem thrilled he was there. Or Holden.

Holden was the first one, besides Emma, who saw him as Noah walked through the door. He was drinking a cup of coffee and looked like he just finished the chores due to his tired face and wrinkled shirt. The smile he was wearing quickly slipped off his face and he looked like someone just slapped his mother. However, a courteous smile was back in seconds as he stood up and shook Noah’s hand. While that may not have seemed like a big deal, Holden was a hugger. Not a ‘hey, I only give handshakes out’ person. Maybe he was just in shock.

It was then that Emma called “Kids, dinner time! And we have a very special guest who just dropped by to eat with us tonight!” Ethan came barreling down the stairs first, with Faith and Natalie following behind him.

Noah loved Ethan so much because the kid was like a little Luke. Well, he did love the kid until he heard the first thing come out of his mouth.

“Doctor Reid is here!!” Ethan was screaming, his eyes lit up with happiness, with a big grin on his face. It was then that he saw Noah and completely stopped. “Granny Emma, where’s Doctor Reid?”

Noah was paralyzed. Reid? The kid wanted him! That made no sense unless he was still involved with the family but that wasn’t right…

Quickly snapping out of it, Noah put on a smile and said in a fake cheery voice, “Hey little man, it’s me Noah.”

Ethan looked at Noah and said “I’m not a little man anymore. I'm all grown up and Reid says that if I-“

“Ok Ethan,” Holden said. “Why don’t you go wash your hands and come sit at the table, alright?”

If that was horrible, Natalie just gave him a small smile and then started asking Emma what was for dessert and if Emma could go ahead and get her some of it just incase Reid showed up after surgery and ate it all.

Faith, on the other hand, was definitely out to get him.

The conversation at the table was stilted at best because Emma was overly cheerful, Natalie didn’t talk much, Ethan blabbed on about Doctor Reid’s favorite foods, Holden just looked at him like he was a pile of shit, but Faith straight out insulted him.

It started simple. “Hey Noah, can you pass me the gravy. Wait can you see where it is?” to “Ruin anyone else’s life in L.A. like you did to Luke’s?” No one did anything to stop her. In fact, it looked like Holden was giving her high fives under the table. But no, that couldn’t be because Holden was a nice guy.

Then it got worse. “What’s the smell? Oh it must be the garbage, so Noah do you mind if you leave because you are stinking up the air supply in here” to “Let me guess, you are back in Oakdale because it was quickly discovered you have no talent” and then “hey did you know that Reid is like so much better than you?” If that hurt, Ethan quickly catching on and then describing everything the asshole could do made it just that nicer.

However, Faith’s insults were nothing compared to a car door slamming outside and the sounds of footsteps coming to the door. Ten guesses to who that could be. Oh wait, Noah didn’t have to guess because Ethan was out of his chair screaming “Reid came!” to Emma running to the kitchen and putting more food on the table.

Yep, Reid fucking Oliver joined the party. Fuck.

It was like a scene of a really bad low budget horror movie where the chick is hiding in a closet and the guy who is trying to kill her is somehow in the same damn closet.

rooftop!luke, atwt, luke/reid, fic: no place for you anymore, noah who?

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