Oct 21, 2005 05:41
I want to hang out with DDR Dave soon. I need Cj and Dave Pryor in my life right now. And I need Kat too. Its just I'm always putting her in the middle of my problems. I dunno why. I don't mean to. I'm always the one to give up or run away. I was so happy when we forgave each other. All I wanted was to avoid getting depressed because my friends can't except me for who I am. They think their better then me. And if they involve her I'll blame it on myself. Everyone else is besides Cj. And she never disagrees with me because she knows me more then anyone. I hate drama and I hate being upset. But Jesus lovers don't care about fun or happiness. They care about the future and how successful they are. At least I'm not mean and think I'm better then everyone. I know how to treat people. Me and Cj helped Taylors mom bring Ian home. I talked to him and told him he shouldnt go to the airport at 9pm for many reasons. And he listened to me. I told Ian Walsh that hes insane. Even after Taylors mom hurt me. I was the only one who would help her get her kid back. She knew me and Cj would help thats why she asked. We told her to file a restanianing order on Ian Walsh. I think shes going to. She was trying to be nice to me and Cj. I don't think shes been drinking either. I didnt go to school and I'm tired so I'm going to shut up.