A real shocker... (sarcasm anyone?)

Jun 28, 2007 06:17

Hello all my wonderful friends!

Thank you all for sending me your wonderful birthday wishes. I had a wonderful birthday this year.

In case anyone was holding their breath about Brian... he NEVER CALLED~!
SO much for "I promise you I will call or something, even if I'm super busy..I wouldn;t forget your special day!"

I know he;s on a cruise ship and super super busy. It's tough with phone reception and using the internet. He could have got on the internet for 2 mins to send an e-mail. He could have even tried to use the phone for 2 mins to call. He updated his livejournal on the 22nd.. he could have slipped an early birthday message in there.

I'm not angry, it's more amusement because he's such a dork soemtimes:)
I understand he probably had no way to call or write.. but by saying he would promise to call and assuring a few times before he left... he dug his own grave.

I will laugh if he updates his livejournal and doesn't mention my birthday. He probably will read this and then do it.. thus I saved his ass once again:)

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