I am frustrated......

Jun 25, 2005 22:30

Ok.... everyone who loves me needs to pray for me. I am deeply frustrated and I feel inclined to act un-christlike and I do not want to. As I said Kara has found her dad and that has been a very wonderful experience. They are getting to know one another and they are loving every minute of it. Obviously... this post is not about him and her. It is about his very manipulative and controlling mother.... Kara's grandmother. I could not stand her then... almost 11 years ago and now I am having a hard time dealing w/ her as Christ would. She is trying to cause problems w/ all of this and is making Kara feel very uncomfortable. I am so mad about some emails and some words that were spoken and I really just need to vent. Why can't people just be unselfish and love others more than themselves. This woman is just difficult, she is demanding that I do this and that Kara do that and I am quite frankly OVER IT!!! This woman met Kara for 2 hours, 1 time, when Kara was 6 weeks old and now she thinks she has the right to come into our lives and start calling the shots! I don't think so. She is also the main cause of many of the situations that have happened in this whole thing w/ him and I and why Kara has never seen her dad. This is all just stupid.... Please pray for me, my flesh wants to be ugly and I know that God delivered me from my anger problem, but I feel it rising up in me. I have decided to just ignore it and I am not going to respond, but I need your prayers.

Thank you and I love you guys!

In Christ,
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