WOW.... look at who it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 25, 2005 11:20

Hey ya'll!!!! I know! I know! I know! I am a bad, bad, bad, girl that never ever updates.

I am sooooooooooooo sorry.

I know you don't believe me cuz I say that all the time, but I really am, I just am a big lazy girl that never makes the effort to update....

just like a lot of the other slackers on my friend list....
*shame shame points finger at all of you*

So.... anyway life is been very, very interesting.... to say the least. I finished Igo.... though I did not graduate.... I will next June. I did all my homework and I learned loads and loads! It was such an awesome time and I can't wait till next year. Libby graduated and I am so hapy for her.... she did a great job!

Let's see... what else.... I finished my membership classes and I met w/ Pastor Dave so I can begin working w/ the youth. Yeaaaahhhhhh I am so excited! I will be helping Daniel w/ the drama group so I am super dooper excited about that. I really missed working in youth ministry and so I am so excited that I am back in this. I can't wait to see what God is gonna do.

I guess I saved the best news for last.... Kara has never, ever met her dad and a few weeks ago I found him on Since then he, Kara and I have been talking and emailing. In July we will go down there for a weekend and she will get to meet him! God is truly amazing! I never ever thought that we would see him again. It has been so great and it has brought a real healing to Kara in this area. Her dad is very much interested in being a major part of her life, so I am so excited. I will try to remember to come on her and update as much as possible.

Alright... I love ya'll and I will try to update more often... but you all have to do the same!
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