VCF FOC 2011 was from 18 July to 21 July 2011 and it was super fun! My co-OGL was Nathanael ONG and we had to reach NUS an hour earlier because we're OGLs ): Waited around until our yellow people started arriving! Super exciting and super scary! Had to play icebreakers but Nat and I didn't know what games to play!! Totally bad first attempt at OGL-ing.
This is Nat trying to explain a 冷门 game while Rachel was demonstrating. Luckily I caught Jerry walking around so I could pose for the picture hehehe.
Our group had two John Chens, both from Engineering. Such a cute coincidence! And John Chen Junior was actually the John from my organ classes back at Changkat CC. Crazy coincidence la! But he didn't recognise me ): Texted Gary Foo about it and he remembers John too!
Was also informed by Nat that he brought breakfast for every single day because he thought we were supposed to. Quite funny hehe.
Mass briefing in the Central Forum! Can see me in yellow? Hehehe.
First game where they had to pass the ping pong ball around. I passed up playing because I wanted to take pictures for the group! But also because I was standing next to the tall guys which would have made me a total liability to the group :p
Timothy passing to Julia.
I am a fair OGL. Everyone gets a close up shot :)
Julia to Rachel.
Rachel to Jemima.
Jemima to Zhi Xian.
Zhi Xian to Mary-Ruth.
Mary-Ruth to Sze Ern.
Sze Ern to Connie.
Guo NIan to John Chen (HAHAHA).
John to Jian Le.
Nat to Tim.
And now with their eyes closed!
Next round with one leg held up!
Then we got water-gunned by the committee members so the whole group had to do 20 jumping jacks. Again, I volunteered to take pictures HEHEHEHE.
At the next station, the girls were made to gel the guys' hair; guys were made to paint the girls' nails!
Having fun!!!
Group shot of the stylo guys with their stylo spikey hair! Nat wasn't spared!
Now painting the girls' nails!
Third station was to arrange Bible verses!
Then we were off to Clementi to look for Koi!
Passed by this banner on the way there. So cute right!
Had a super long lunch at a food court!
Photos are courtesy of Jerry whose group happened to be lunching there as well!
Then we went downstairs for ice-cream!!! That's when we found the durian lovers and haters in our OG! Nat, Jemima and I are the open lovers! Rachel and Zhi Xian are the open haters! Throughout the whole ice-cream eating period, Nat kept trying to cheat Rach into eating my durian ice-cream. He'd eat some and pretend they mixed the cups up. Then he'd scoop some durian ice-cream and pretend it was tiramisu. And Rach was super funny throughout!
After all the goofing around, we realised we were one of the last groups. (Our group's philosophy is to walk the race!)
Went to Little Guilin and saw such a pretty sight. Too bad this scenery didn't really fit into the surroundings because buildings were everywhere.
Group picture! I look so awkward ):
Then we had to go to Bukit Gombak stadium to do a 100m duckwalk. Of course I cheated again. Then some guy behind me said I was getting filmed, cheating?!?!?!?!?! Must be some ploy to make me duckwalk.
Walking into the stadium once again, felt quite nostalgic. One year ago, I was there at Dunearn's sports day in the capacity of a teacher. Kind of miss teaching. Miss the students too but I don't have the guts to look them up hehe.
Travelled to our campsite:
Started painting our flag.
We are the CAMELS!
Inspiration was from the Bible :)
Got to our bunks and here's Rach who decided to pose for an unglam picture!
During the talks where we seemed to have been caught asleep!
LTP talk by Kevin. Can see my back? Hehe.
Then we celebrated Timothy Lim's birthday! Super thankful to Valerie for bringing the muffins!
Churchies group shot!
Was super tired and sticky by then so Angie and I chionged off to bathe because there was OGL meeting later at 11.30pm. I was super suay la! Forgot to bring my clean shorts down and I only realised when I finished bathing. So I had to ask someone to go upstairs to get them. STRANGER SOMEMORE. Spent a long time waiting in the shower and ended up late for meeting. Worse, meeting ended in 4 minutes.
Then I had to find a quiet place to use Rach's hair dryer. Couldn't use the rooms because everyone was sleeping. Ended up blowing my hair in the canteen -_-
And I was sweating buckets by the time I got back to the room! Had to lie down in order to feel the fan lor!
Day 2
Started off with devotions. We split into halves; Nat led devotion for one half and I took the other. Was super awkward and tough la! Thank God for Mary-Ruth and John Chen Senior who were present to help me!!!
Had a speaker session and group discussion.
That was when Nat realised that Tim and the speaker looked like brothers HAHA. He even snuck a picture of them from the side!!!
Then we had lunch and loads of fun games in the park! Camels were on a winning strike! Great morale booster!!
One of the games required us to roll in sand and sea water and then rush into the sea to tap Moses before answering the question. When it was my turn, I didn't roll and some other guy beat me to Moses. But he got the answer wrong! So I just walked up to Moses and tapped him! Totally dry upper body ^^
Made us super dirty too so we quickly went to bathe after the games! Had faculty dinner and workshops after that! Faculty dinner was spent talking a lot to ZX and Chooms! And I got to know a DHS junior who wants to take Psych! Kupped the bag of chips meant for psych students, for Camels instead HEHE. Cuz we forgot that we had chips to eat la! Not intentional!
I went for the Everyday Justice workshop; met Angie and Kenneth there too! Super fun hanging out with them and even got to know a freshie named Martin!
Day 3
After the first speaker session, we asked for a group photo with Pastor Raymond Fung. Actually we didn't ask for the photo. Nat kept insisting on taking a picture. The intention was to prove that Tim looked like PRF.
Had discussions and another speaker's session inbetween. Camels liked the Nike girl gummies! Also had EXCO time where we did a skit on Gcube by acting as Pokemons. SUPER HILARIOUS; A MUST WATCH!
Then we had to plan our campfire skit and rehearse it!
Nearing campfire, we took a group shot!
Angie called me over to their group to watch Nat Chia dance as Justin Bieber. Quite entertaining actually!
With Jemima and Connie's shades!
Jemima, me, Mary-Ruth, Nat! We were sitting in the back row because we had contact lenses on. Feared the fire would melt them!
Such a pretty picture right! Colours are quite vivid too!
But we subsequently moved aside because the fire was too hot and the ashes + smoke were blowing towards us. In fact, the ashes fell directly onto us!
Skit started!
Ours was about this camel who worried about not having enough water. Then he fainted from being too filled with water and almost got robbed by the Scorpion king and Cobra king (again, Nat insisted on adding these kings in hahaha).
A good samaritan would save the camel and he would realise he actually has humps.
Super funny throughout!! Guo Nian was such a fantastic camel!
Group shot before the guys left!
We had light-bands!
Was bored.
And candles!
OGLs would light the candles of our OGMs and we would sing Pass it on. Quite a pretty scene with the light candles but the atmosphere wasn't emo enough!
Yay nice group picture again! So much wax dripped onto my hands ): PAIN!
Then we had fantastic worship and prayer; testimonials and sharings too. Was so shocked when Jemima stood up to speak! So proud of her!
Emmanuel went up and thanked Angie for being a great OGL. According to Rach, Nat then said that I should go up and thank him! So bad right!!!
Then there was prize giving but we didn't win anything because we thought the prizes were insignificant. Never did we know they were Swensons vouchers. *regret regret regret*
Hung around with the other OGLs for awhile and played Monopoly Deal because there was the last OGL meeting!
Guess who wrote this in chalk on the table.
Then we moved upstairs to the open space for our meeting! The comm gave each pair of OGLs a cup of Gongcha!!!!!!! Nat was pouting throughout and talking about removing his contact lenses and going to bathe! Meeting lasted almost 2 hours that's why! He started doing and saying all sorts of funny things too. Quite entertaining la but very distracting! I felt very bad for playing along :p We even threw hoops over my water bottle. Then he started eating the pearls and playing with the straw wrappers; eventually coming up with this:
Halfway through, a bee/wasp started flying around! So scary lor! Then he claimed he was going to kill it to show his manliness but.....some other manly guy beat him to it (insider joke).
Quite a fun meeting because of Nat!
Then we finally ended, went to bathe and then had games throughout the night!
I didn't sleep!! Chionged letters till morning; played 24 with ZX and the engineering guys. Quite funny!
Then it was time to go ): We had brunch though!
I really had loads of fun at FOC. Really the most fun camp I've ever been too and a fulfilling experience! Made a lot of better friends too - Nat, Rach, John Chen Snr (super fun suaning each other) and my dear freshies!!! I hope I have a hold on ZX now hehe so I can make her come for CG every week!!! I miss FOC already wuwu!