Expedition.com School of Hatred and Bigotry

Nov 11, 2012 22:07

On November 9, 2012 GayStarNews journalist, Matthew Jenkins, wrote and excellent follow-up article to his original report about homophobic online travel goods retailer Expedition (Ruyan holding):

Gays can’t be ‘heroes and wizards’ says fan page

Apparently, their fan page got so upset with his article that the company, which is branched in the US and has aspirations to go global, decided to engage in a quite surprising anti-American rhetoric. In particular the following comments were posted by their spokesman on the page (in Russian):

“Orange revolutions expert and simultaneously US Ambassador, Michael McFaul … wholeheartedly invited Russian tourists to visit the US … why he is exhibiting such “welcoming” message?”

“Mikhail Zadornov [infamous Russian stand-up comedian known for his anti-American views] once tore apart his US entry visa. Because he is a real man.”

“I [Expedition's spokesman] was offered a Green Card [permanent residency in the USA] and turned it down. Why would I need it? … won’t go there … until they return all lands to Native Americans”
(Oddly enough, their spokesman is not too smart. According to our immigration laws, nobody is “offered” a Green Card. One would have to “ask for it”. Hmm … either he asked for it or … he is lying.
Must be the latter.)

“At the beginning of this year I [Expedition's spokesman] decided not to buy a pair of jeans … now I see that it was a VERY good decision”

“The majority of my [Expedition's spokesman] friends and relatives are driving Japanese, Chinese and German cars. American cars are losing its appeal”

“and me [Expedition's spokesman] and my friends stopped using pieces of useless paper called “dollar”

“… finally I [Expedition's spokesman] have a clear understanding that Washington and London are our enemies”

“China likes America less and less. India even more so. Not to mention Islamic countries”

“… you [Americans] will get beat up for your evildoing”

“Russian man is patient, but once his patience runs out he will respond”

See more at http://www.peeep.us/07165af5.

Also, their spokesman provided a citation from Stephanie Faul’s book
The Xenophobe’s Guide to the Americans that meant to be a cure to xenophobia and a
humor approach to these serious issues. Apparently, Expedition prefers to interpreter it literally.

It’s puzzling how and why this online travel goods retailer wants to continue to work on US market (and global market) and offer their franchises. Also, why would American people and civilized people want to buy their goods and services or open franchises? As it was reported earlier by numerous US and Russian sources, Expedition.com
(Ruyan holding) publicly announced discrimination on all their “projects” based on age, gender, disability and sexual orientation:

- Gays can NOT be “heroes and wizards”! Disabled, Women and Elderly can NOT be Entrepreneurs!

- We’re banning gays from our future, says Russian firm

- No Gays Allowed in Entrepreneurship Program

Please sign the petition to stop the discrimination, bigotry and xenophobia:

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